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"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we welcome you aboard! Please take your seats and abide by the safety measures. Feel free to call any of us for any kind of assistance. We will do our level best to serve you well. thank you for flying with us. happy journey!"

"I am so excited!!'


"The airhostess is so pretty"


Vivienne looked over to Taehyung, "Are you always like this? Snobbish and cold? why?"

"The same reason why you are so annoying, your highness" he mocked ,engrossed by his book.

Vivienne was flying to Hawaii in business class-her first time though, so she was quite jumpy and excited unlike the boy sitting beside her.

She was supposed to sit next to Jungkook , but Taehyung blackmailed her into sitting next to him plus the seat was Kevin's empty one.

Now you would ask why? Well for keeping her "under supervision" as exclaimed by Taehyung.

He wanted a peaceful flight and that he could not let her and Jungkook the "other kid" sit together. Hence she could not be left alone and had to be seated next to the devil.

Well anyways Vivienne was just sitting there, bored while Jungkook enjoyed a nap and Taehyung read his book.

She had already explored every inch of the flight before being requested to get back to her seat. Taehyung as usual was the least bothered of what she did or said.

"You are so boring" Vivienne said.

"You are so boring" Taehyung imitated her back in a high pitched voice.

"Are you a kid??" she retorted

"I am a kid while you were the one literally wandering the whole flight like a clueless, curious lost kid" he mocked.


"SHHHHHH!!! Couples these days!" an old woman seated in front of them remarked.

"We aren't related!!" both blurted out.

"You embarrass me" Taehyung whispered.

"Jerk" Vivienne said walking over to Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook-hey-HEY GET UP!" she lightly tapped his shoulder. The bunny didn't even budge.

"Such a sleeping Beauty" she muttered and went back to her seat next to Taehyung.

A pretty air hostess approached Taehyung, who didn't even acknowledge her. The pretty talks and lady-like batting of her eyelashes didn't have any effect on him as he just hummed to whatever she said barely hearing her out.

such a flirt

Feeling utterly bored and drowsy now Vivienne didn't feel like doing anything except sleeping.

Before sleep fully took over her she heard a deep voice say,

"Excuse me, my girlfriend is sleeping could you please get me a blanket"

followed by a soft blanket covering her and a hand gently tucking her in and she drifted to dreamland.

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