•Gear Up• 3

27 3 0

Hey ! How have you been?


"Atleast have a bite !!! "

"Nope i gotta go! Bye,take care i love you!"
Vivienne rushes out of the house.

No it wasn't that she was late for the classes or something but she just felt an urge to go to that place.

She glances at her watch while walking 6:55.
pretty early.
Her classes were starting late today around 9:15 so she had planned to visit the place.

There was this hill just behind the main Seoul market near her house which extended to a pretty forest.

She loved to go there as a high-schooler and hadn't got the time to go there recently.

The sound of her footsteps as she walked on the soft green grass and the sweet scented wind hitting her face was enough to relax her nerves.

She sat under her favorite tree or the magical tree as she believed it to be, because sitting under it one felt at peace and it was as if the tree could listen to her problems.

As a kid she had this habit of talking to the tree, she talked about events,things,or anything that worried her and the habit still prevailed.

Sitting there in silence as her back rested on the bark of the tree she felt a feeling of peace wash over her.

It had been almost an year that she last came here .

Alot had happened in her life since then. She sighs and just sits there with her eyes closed for about half an hour deep in thoughts.

She takes out her phone and enters stuff to her to-do list

# visit the tree ✔
# visit olivia
# look for part time jobs
# don't forget classes !
# buy grandma's medicines

She looks at the time and makes her way down the hill.

Her next task was to find herself a part time job or maybe 'jobs'.
She had 2 part-time jobs before but had to quit because of the University Selection Examination ,but now she had to work for paying off the extra expenses, but first she decides to meet olivia.
She makes her way to the cafe she used to work at before. The owner greets her with open arms.

"Vivyyyy ! Darling its so great to see you again !! How are you doing? How is grandma ?"

"Hey Livi.  I'm good what about you ?"

Olivia was like an elder sister to her or even more she was that best sister- friend one could ask for !

Always supported her and helped her when times were rough ,even grandma was fond of her.

Seeing her after so long brought a much needed smile to Vivienne's face.

"I'm good,so tell me what brings you here ? Or better lets have a cup of coffee and talk! "

They both sit down and chat while sipping on coffee.

"Really?? I'm so proud of you girl ! You made it to the University, i knew it ,you are very capable, just keep on doing the hardwork and I'm sure it'll pay off ! "

"Thanks livi...ummm also i had a favor to ask."

"Say it" she grinned.

"Ummm.. livi i am thinking of continuing my job here..I know it's quite sudden..but will you take me in? Ofcourse I fully understand if-"

"Ayo silly! Of course i will whenever you're ready! It will be great to see you everyday."

"Really?? Livi you're the best!"

After chatting for a good one hour Vivienne bids farewell to olivia and searches for a new part-time job..

She take a seat on a bench in the park near the cafe and searches for jobs on Internet. But seems like luck isn't on her side today ,people either don't want to pay you right or don't hire part-timers.

She sighs.

Its almost 8:45 and her classes start within half an hour so she walks her way to SNU and  its just a 5min walk from there.

Hey love !
I'm backkk ...hmmm..sorry for not updating...trying my level best !
See ya !! Take care !!

Also I'm so very excited for BUTTER !!!YAY!! The teaser photos were UFFFF damnnn hott i mean, I'M KILLED !!! DEADDD!! SCREAMING INTERNALLY!!💀💜😳😳

Tell me when you need the updates of this story 🤞❤

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