•Mr. Jeon• 4

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Sorry for being inactive..the chapter is short..but very soon I'll be active again ...😑after my exams ...hmm..anyways enjoy ..


"How can you even study with constant focus" Aria whispers to Vivienne half asleep on the desk same as rest of the class.
Everybody was either sleeping or day dreaming. There were even some special cases who even bunked the classes on a daily basis.
spoiled brats Vivienne thought.

"Alright. class?" Mr. Mun's voice pulled you out of your trance.

"Class?" long.pause.
"-or should i say Miss Vivienne And Mr.Jeon ,cause apparently just you both have some interest in today's lecture...let's call it a day"

Vivienne looked back to see the same person whom she had seen on her first day, with the group BTS. He was also studying besides her with his friend sound asleep just like hers.

The teacher left leaving the sleepy class or to be precise 'the laziest class in the University' as framed by every teachers.

"WAKE UP BRATS !!" The voice of the Head teacher echoed through the class .Vivienne nudged a still sleepy Aria to wake her up .
The students sat up still ..except few of course..some groaning at the sleep disturber .

The teacher walked over to Yeonjun's desk who was least bothered to wake up." yeonjunie the food is ready ! " the teacher joked .
"Coming eomma" came the groaning sleepy reply to which everyone laughed and a bewildered Yeonjun was left looking around in confusion.

The head teacher Mr.Park walked back to the podium "Well I have an announcement for you guys . Although I know its useless for you guys..but just in case. The ANNUAL INTER UNIT QUIZ is going to take place soon -3 students per Unit will be selected by the head teachers of each class and well-whom am I even telling it to ! Class B2 never listened and will never listen anyways-rest of the details are on the notice board-if ANYONE is interested,which is impossible because you guys are B2 THE LEGENDARY CLASS OF SNU !!!!
Carry on with your sleep Yeonjun and the rest. I'm not going to disturb you!!!

Vivienne was shocked as well as amused with Mr. Park's personality . COOL .
He was surely something..the sarcasm he had in his speech...and well him calling the class lazy brats was quite understandable to her ...

Well anyways Vivienne exits with Aria and makes her way to the notice board .

"You are just looking right? Right, you aren't gonna do it" Aria giggled ,raising her hand for a high five..which Vivienne gladly....declined.
Looked at her dead serious.
She stopped laughing taking her hand back "Ahmm..um..never mind you are "

"Yes sir I am from B2" Vivienne repeated again, frustrated that the teacher wasn't believing her.

Are the classmates really that troublesome? How poor is B2's reputation?? She pondered. Now determined to help with the reputation problem, her thought of participating in the quiz strengthened.

"Well that's a surprise.. Jeon is the only one who actually takes any kind of interest in activities from B2. Are you by chance a new admission?"
"Yes sir" she answered.

"Well that explains that..ok,the participants will be called in for a meeting about -(checking his watch)-15 mins from now in the auditorium -till then you can do anything you like-see you at the meeting."

She left Mr. Park's office and joins 'her one and only friend in this place' Aria in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria has less people-as always the girls and some boys must be behind that group-DTS?-ahh-BTS ,in the playground or somewhere....really unbelievable

"Ahmm" someone cleared their throat grabbing Vivienne's attention. She sees Aria's - eyes wide and mouth agap..following her gaze and turning Vivienne is met with Jeon Jungkook's presence.



AHHHHH that bunny smile !!!!!
And PTD has my heart !!! 😭💜🙂🗡

AHHHHH that bunny smile !!!!!And PTD has my heart !!! 😭💜🙂🗡

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