Chapter 10

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Chapter- 10

Westley and I left his old home after we set Creamfluff off to go back to Tadion. Even though it was getting dark, many people were still out in the large square areas. We would have to duck every so often to not be seen as curious children ran our way with their little wands waving around like they were doing spells or bow and arrows fit to their size. Lanterns were lit in the tall trees shinning white. Birds sang softly in their branches. The pools of blue water rippled from the night fish nibbling at the surface for food.

After a close call of an elven man looking twice in our direction, Westley and I stepped out from behind a granite statue of a wizard holding his wand high above his head. I saw Melawen, again. She sat on a stone bench under a grey tree with a glowing white lantern by her side hung up by a metal rod that was stuck in the ground. The wizard that had took her out of the library sat beside her reading out loud a dark grey book.

I pushed Westley back behind the statue and poked my head out just enough to see, Westley put his hand on my shoulder and stood on his tippy toes to get a better look.

Melawen was wringing her hands together, a stern look pressed on her pale face. "- that's what you have to do Melawen." The wizard closed the book setting it by his side.

Melawen pursed her pearly pink lips together into a straight line looking down at the soft grass. "M-must I? Do I have to do this?" The wizard looked taken back.

"Melawen! You are the one who asked for me to see you today so we could speak of this! Now, as I recall, you said you would do anything to do this task of-"

"Okay okay!" Melawen stood fast cutting the warlock off short. "Not so loud!" She hissed in a low whisper glancing around. "We don't want all of Merditie to hear!" Melawen looked wearily at the torn book and hugged her sides. "When- when do I start."

The wizard smiled and stood placing his hands firmly on her shoulders. "Melawen. This is very smart of you." The old wizard's wrinkly hand patted her back softly. "I say we begin tomorrow morning. You can come to get the potions then in my office at the Elven's Authority." His brown eyes looked to her face noticing her cringing. "And that's final." Melawen stopped trembling and stood stiffly. "Alrighty, I must head to bed now. You should too, Melawen, it's getting late." The old warlock took the book that was on the bench placing it under his arm. "Goodnight." The wizard left Melawen standing alone.

Melawen ex-hailed letting her arms fall to her sides stepping back to the bench and sat slumped over. "What was that all about?" Westley whispered faintly in my ear. I shrugged feeling my face grow hot knowing Westley was as close to me as he was on his own accord. Melawen leaned forward setting her elbows on her knees placing her head in her dainty hands. Her dark hair cascaded down over her side hiding the rest of her face. She cried silently.

I felt Westley shifting his weight leaning forward a bit, I set my hand on his chest to stop him from moving ahead. "Westley, we can't go up to her!" I whispered ill tempered. Westley settled back into place. I felt a boiling sensation inside my chest, I clenched my hands into fists. Melawen sat up, wiping her midnight hair back and her eyes, taking in another shaky breath. She stood flattening her dress and grabbed the lantern and stalked off into the trees. Once she had left, me and Westley crept out from the statue, everyone was now leaving because of the night that was creeping in.

"What were they talking about?" Westley's wings fluttered parting the mist that was settling on the ground.

"I have no idea." I answered. Westley took my hand looking into the deep forest where Melawen had went into. Inside the forest, all I could see, were faint lights and faraway voices sounding like they were singing. Westley then took a step back. "Where did Melawen go?"

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