Chapter 4

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Chapter- 4

"Pierce's what?!" My eyes widened.

"He's my brother." Westley looked utterly embarrassed. "Nobody was supposed to know..."

"But- but Tadion did."

"He had always known. I, or we, grew up with him. He's my cousin. You see, it's Gorlax's job to find something interesting for Tadion to research about and... tell people. Gorlax has been on my case for years, luckily Tadion has been putting it off, well I guess for awhile." Westley covered his face with his hands.

"But- but what's so interesting about it, I mean yeah Pierce's a cannibal and a killer but doesn't everybody know that already? And Pierce doesn't have any wings like you." I asked, hands getting sweaty and a thousand questions popping into my head.

"My mum had wings like me, she's also an Angelus, but my father was a warlock so I am more like my mum while Pierce is more of my father. But Pierce can just do magic without a wand as you've seen. And no, nobody would know about Pierce, we kept it quiet. Pierce does't mean to be a cannibal or killer, he was born with a curse. My parents died because of it." Shocked, I took in a sharp breath. "He was young, around 12 and I around 10. The curse kept getting worse as he grew older, it would just lash out. My parents tried everything to cure him, the most talented wizards performed spells and gave him potions but nothing worked. One day, it came out, he screamed insults at my parents, trying to kill them. He transformed into a hideous monster and ran them into a corner. Tadion and I were there watching in fear not knowing what to do. My mum was the first to die. She pleaded with the curse and prayed, but it didn't help of course." Westley looked over my shoulder in thought. "And- and, I think she might have said something about... music? I- I don't know, but Pierce killed her then my dad.

"Guards came storming in, pushing me and Tadion out of the way. Pierce killed more than 20 guards with his spiked hands until a wizard came and put a freezing spell on Pierce. He slowly morphed into himself again. The guards chained Pierce's limp body, dragging him out of the room then throwing him in a chair just out side of the hall. Wizards were inspecting him, circling in around him like hungry vultures. The Elven's Authority were there, debating on the spot if they should execute him (Gorlax wasn't working for them at the time). They all agreed. Pierce was starting to wake up when the wizards were just about to kill him. He screamed and begged the wizards not to do it and that it was just his curse, that he couldn't help it. One of the wizards told him there was no choice, since there was no cure or anyway he could contain it. Pierce started balling, then he noticed me. He yelled at me for not helping and being... in nicer words, a bad brother.

"The wizards pointed their wands and blasted him. I was for sure he was dead. His head hung lifelessly on his chest. I thought it was all my fault for my... brother dying. Then Pierce started breathing again, lifting his head up, the warlocks and guards couldn't believe it. The wizards exclaimed that that spell they used was the most darkest and fatal spell ever known. And my brother survived it."

"What- what happened after that." I asked my voice wavering.

Westley looked out of the nearest window, "The Elven's Authority dragged him out of the palace, taking him to their dungeons. The warlocks spent years of spells on him trying to kill him. Since Pierce couldn't die, all he felt was the pain and agony, it was more like torture. When four years passed, they finally gave up. The wizards decided to create a world, or more like a prison, to place Pierce there to live for eternity until he learned how to control it, and our kind can live longer than any human, if you did not know. The warlocks put a spell over his portal, that led to his jail, for it to never unlock. The only bad thing was, they didn't lock it from others getting inside it, or falling. That's how he gets people down there."

"That's his palace right? Then if he wasn't supposed to get out, how did he? Like when he came to Earth."

"Well I'm guessing he found out a way. After the Elven's Authority sent him there they decide to not let people know who killed my parents and how. They said it would ruin my life, and Tadion's, for having Pierce be known as my killer brother. So they made up my parents deaths, that they were murdered in their home. I went in hiding for some time."

Westley looked down to the floor, back slumped. "I'm sorry Westley. I really am." I also looked to the floor.

"It's not your fault."

There was an uneasy silence until I spoke again. "Westley, you just didn't... fall into his portal did you?"

Westley's blue eyes followed up from the floor to my face. "No..." He answered in a hushed voice, "I- I went to him... to see if he had changed. I thought I could help him. I was wrong. The curse has taken over him completely that I don't know what to believe. He would say he was sorry and beg me to forgive him, then he would smile and turn into that- that monster and- and torture me. He would laugh hysterically. I was there for... I don't know how long, a few years? But then you found me..."

Westley stood, legs shaking, and wobbled over to his small kitchen grabbing two mugs filling them with tea, and sat back down handing me one. I could hear the birds chirping happily as we sat in thought, slowly taking sips of our drinks. The sun was setting, creating pink and orange colors to spill on to the floor.

He was so perfect, his blond hair looking untidy, his wings shimmering in the setting sun, his electric blue eyes that took my breath away, and his kind personality. "Westley?" I asked putting my cup down.

Westley slowly looked over, his eyes red. "Yeah?"

I felt my face burning, a squirming feeling in my stomach made me think twice of what I was about to ask. "Never mind." I said at last.

Westley raised an eyebrow then stood. "Well, it's almost dark. I think we better get to bed."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. We probably should." I finally said after getting out of my thoughts of mentally hitting myself. I got up and went over to the kitchen table, setting the mug there. "Where will I sleep?"

Westely smiled, and headed over to the added hallway, I followed after getting no response. Westley led me to his bedroom that was fairly small with a queen sized bed that had, at the most, a dozen pillows upon it. Westley sat at the side to the bed, kicking off his converse and throwing his brown leather jacket on the red lounge chair in the corner. He fixed up the pillows so they looked a bit more decent and laid back, crossing his arms behind his head, closing his eyes. I stood there at the doorway puzzled.

"Fine. If you're going to be that way." I dropped my bag to the floor, unzipping my army jacket, folding it, and set it also on the red chair. I untied the laces of my vans, placing them beside Westley's shoes. I strolled over to the bed and climbed over Westley.

"Oy!" Westley's eyes sprang open, flailing his arms. I reached the other side of the bed that faced the wall, laying on my side. Westley smiled back and pointed to the ceiling. Glancing up, I noticed that the ceiling was a giant window looking up into the now starry sky.

"Wow." I breathed. I inched closer to Westley, he did the same. I laid my head oh his shoulder hearing his heart beating fast. "This is amazing."

Westley took my hand. "It is isn't it." My eyes started to slowly grow heavy after I turned away from the purple and blue sky. Wrapping my arm around Westley's waist, his wings covered me like a blanket, the feathers smooth and soft. "Goodnight, lovely." I closed my eyes for a dreamless sleep.


If you have forgotten, I'm posting a chapter every Saturday! Oh, and my wattpad has been glitching so that's why there is no tabs x( So sorry about that. I hope you like my story so far! <3


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