Chapter 12

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Chapter- 12

Creamfluff flew by my side to the two doors. Melawen opened the doors with only a crack to see what was behind them. Westley stood beside Melawen reaching for the door handles, their hands touching. Melawen looked up to Westley then smiled, Westley's ears shone pink.

I gritted my teeth grabbing Creamfluff out of midair pulling him into a hug. Creamfluff squawked in defiance flapping his way out of my arms. I felt like the loaner of the group. "Jezz, do I have to do everything?" I said through my teeth breaking their gaze by pulling the doors open. Melawen stumbled back with a gasp.

The doors lead out to a wide hall with a peach colored rug. Old fashioned lamps sat on tall tables in between doors that were all kinds of different woods. Yet more portraits hung on the walls, a strange feeling wrapped itself around my chest. Westley came in behind me, Melawen at his side, and Creamfluff waddleing in. I turned to suggest we take a look into each room but my irritation grew as I watched Melawen play with Westley's hand.

"You know what, I'm going to go and find a room to quickly change out of this dress." Westley's head snapped to me then nodded.

"Don't take to long." He said looking a bit uncomfortable to be alone.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." I walked over the first door not caring if there was a creature or trap inside. I had to get away.

"Reina, Westley said that he didn't like her. Trust him."

I thought but then shook my head. I took hold of the bronze rusted doorknob opening it with a click then walked inside, Creamfluff following me in. The room was dusty looking like it should be an attic. The ceiling was slanted, the wood was dark and rotten; the old misty windows were cacked in cobwebs; black bugs scattered of the imposters. Nothing was inside the room besides a moldy mannequin made out of a weaved brown sack and stuffed with hay that was pocking out having a wooded head that looked weathered down. A shudder ran down my spine looking at the human like thing. Its painted, flaking, eyes faced the floor, its arms hanging loosely with worn metal joints. The figure's legs were bent awkwardly, metal rods sticking out of its knees.

I breathed in walking to the middle of the room then turned checking if the door was closed. My eyes drifted back to the mannequin watching it stand in the corner slouched. "You know slouching is bad for your spin? It will make you hunched over and ugly, you should probably straighten up. Well, I don't think that'll make a diffrence though..." I said to the mannequin. I sighed, "Really Reina? You're now talking to a mannequin? And now yourself?" I said aloud running my hands through my light hair.

I sat the bag down on to the rotting floor besides Creamfluff, who was staring at the mannequin intensly, then placed the floral dress on top of the bag so the dust wouldn't ruin it.

I eyed Creamfluff turning around so I knew he wouldn't watch me. My hands grabbed the bottom of the dress pulling it up and over my head. I folded the dress neatly and replaced the new dress with the old one. I slipped it on over my head and let it fall. The dress hugged my sides glittering. The dress had a wide oval neck line with tight sleeves that reached my elbows. I smiled stuffing the old dress into the bag then to sling it over my shoulder. "Come Creamfluff, we better head out before they start kissing."

I turned to leave when a creak sounded behind me. I stopped moving, my heart racing. My mind imedietly thought of the Mannequin but then just inferred that the sound came from Creamfluff walking. I slowly turned my eyes falling upon Creamfluff who hadn't move at all. He still was looking into the corner.

I followed his gaze to the Mannequin. It had moved. Its head had turned away from the floor up to me. His arm had moved backwards and leg frontwards. My mouth went dry, regretting for choosing this room out of anger.

My breath quickened, hands getting sweaty. "C-Creamfluff, let's go." I said my voice wavering clutching the bags strap tightly. Creamfluff took no notice of my words, still fixated on the figure.

I cleared my throat, "Creamfluff." I said sternly. He did not move. Fear washed over me my eyes looking at Creamfluff for an instant. The floor boards creaked again. I quickly took a step back focusing on the figure. It had taken four steps closer. A soft cry left my lips. My legs shook watching the mannequin closely. My hands reached behind me taking hold of the handle gradually twisting it. There was no click.

I gasped eyes widening. The door was locked. I pulled on the handle harder terror rising, my eyes still fixated on the mannequin. I cried out feeling the eyes of the figure on me. I whirled around yanking harder on the door. I heard the floor boards creak several more times coming closer. I screamed banging on the door.

The air grew tense. I breathed wildly turning around fast. The figure stood only three inches away from my face. I cried out not knowing what to do. From the corner of y eye I saw Creamfluff waddle backwards, closer to the misty window, the colors of his wings reflecting the little light the window gave.

A brilliant plan popped inside my head. I would jump out the window. Well, it was a good idea at the time.

I kept my eyes on the figure inching my way towards where Creamfluff sat. My back hugged the rotting walls feeling the mannequin's eyes watching me. And the klutz I was, my foot caught on a loose floor board making me fall on my face with a thud.

I scrambled to sit up, but before I could the figure was on me, its fingers wrapping around each side of my head applying pressure. I yelled out squirming under its hold. Creamfluff squawked flapping his wings.

"Is this because I stated the facts?!" I punched the mannequin on the side of its face making its head spin around coming out of joint. Black bugs broke through the weaved material on to the floor and my body. The figure fell back giving me time to stand and run to the window.

The mannequin quickly recovered grabbing my arm digging its metal fingers into my skin. The mannequin whipped me around his hands grabbing my neck. I gasped from the sudden movement and its hands crushing my neck. I struggled to breath, becoming lightheaded.

I coughed and sputtered, "Westley!" I wailed. My eyes slowly closing. "Westley..." black dots filled my vision. My eyes caught the door rattling and then to see it stop.


The door swung open with smoke billowing in after. Westley walked through the smoke, the wand in hand and Melawen by his side. The mannequin turned his attention to Westley and Melawen. Its grip lessoned, soon to let me fall to the floor. I heaved in air, my vision becoming clear. I watched the mannequin stride over stiffly, its metal joints creaking, to Westley.

Feeling the need to follow through with my plan, I grabbed Creamfluff holding him under my arm, and kicked the window in. Ice cold mist filled the room. I heard Westley yell something and a flash of light blinded my eyes. Not turning around, I jumped through the window.

The feeling felt like the drop of a roller coster. My stomach tightened feeling sick. The cold wind whistled in my ears falling closer to the unknown ground, my eyes watering. Creamfluff shook in fright his fluffy feather tickled my neck.

You stupid girl! I thought. You're going to die!

After a few seconds of falling my anxiety increased. I let go of Creamfluff flailing my arms and legs trying to slow my fall. Creamfluff fell behind until he was able to fly by my side.

"Really?" I yelled out watching Creamfluff fly with ease. The mist started to fade away, the air becoming more clear. I watched the black ground come closer. I screamed up until the ground made contact with my body.

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