A Frosty Test of Love

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P.O.V : Lynx

Snow crunched under her talons, and she winced. Lynx had absolutely zero idea why  Snowfall wanted her to patrol the Great Ice Cliff. Wait, no, it's Queen Snowfall. She had a vague feeling of someone watching her, but she couldn't be sure. Besides, I'm a first circle dragon, I definitely don't need anybody watching over me.


Had there been a dragon landing on the ice cliff?


She definitely caught a slip of a blue tongue against the sky. Flattening herself against the ground, Lynx crept forward. When she was within distance, she snapped opened her wings, rearing up and pushing against the ground with her hind legs, like all the times she had trained with Winter. The dragon's head snapped up, and he scrambled to the right. Lynx missed him by a hair, but it wasn't just luck that she sat on top of the dragonet list. Her serrated claws hooked against his scales, and blue-red blood dripped out with her momentum. The tumbled off the cliff, the other dragon heavier so it felt like Lynx's bones were being snapped. 


When they finally stopped, She could barely breathe. The other dragon flopped on top of her, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Lynx, Is that you? What are you doing?" The stranger knows my name.

"You have ten seconds to explain why you set your claws on the Ice kingdom before I freeze you." She narrowed her eyes, drawing in a breath of frost. 

"Lynx, it's me. Winter." His eyes widened into desperate pools. 


Winter, who had been her best friend when she was little.

Winter, who had fell for a Nightwing and left her.

Winter, whom she thought had died in the Diamond Trials.

Winter, who had saved her in the Nightwing-Icewing battle.

Winter, who had broke her heart.

Snow fluttered softly onto her claws, dappling her snout so she closed her eyes. 

"You were banished. You aren't allowed to come here." Her voice couldn't raise to her menacing level, instead it sounded oddly sad.

"I," He twisted his head away. She opened an eye a crack and peeked at him. Was that a shadow of a blush that had flitted across his face? "I came here for Icicle's Trial." She suspected it was more than that. Or was that because her heart fluttered every time she saw him? 

"Well you'd better get off me igloo-face." she snapped. Was that too hard? 

"Oh, Sorry." Ok. There was definitely a darker shade of blue glinting in his cheeks. It makes him look so cute. What am I thinking? 

"Yes. Of course. We were sent to escort him." Ivory glided from the shadows, startling Lynx. So I was being followed. "And we'll report about what happened with you." She flicked her tail toward Lynx, and her heart sank realizing what happened. It was a test. Snowfall- Queen Snowfall knew Winter was coming, and she wanted to see how I would react.

"It wasn't her fault." Winter blurted. Did he just defend me?

"Hmmm. The Queen will decide about that." Ivory almost sounded bored, "You'd better head back to the palace. Prince Winter, follow me." She took to the sky. Winter followed, casting her an apologetic glance. That made it worthwhile a little.

So, Winter was staying at the Ice palace for a week. 

She only needed to survive for a week.

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