Brandon Boston

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Okay the amount of pictures I have of Brandon in my phone is crazy man. I don't know what it is but he giving me a different vibe man🤤😩

~Dior POV~
I was currently with Brandon watching him practice. I didn't have anymore classes for the day so I just came to watch him practice before I went home. We haven't had much time together since the season started. With him having games and practice and me being in the studio me and Brandon would be lucky to have a good five minute together.

Anyways I was looking at him shooting around for some time till I went on my phone to scroll through Instagram. As I'm doing so I came across a post of Brandon and his ex Niki hugging while smiling at each other.

'Seems likes these two are back on good terms. when Niki was live it seems like her and Brandon was on FaceTime with each other. Are the two getting back together? Let us know'

What the hell. I didn't even talk to Brandon like that this week cause he didn't have time but he had time to talk to his ex? Big bet.

I don't play that friendly ex shit like no. If y'all want to be together break up with the person your currently with. I so was pissed off right now I just closed out all the apps on my phone and sat there looking at my bouncing leg for the remainder of the time Brandon had left to practice.

"Baby" I heard him say so I looked up
"Ready?" He asked and I nodded while getting up. I didn't say anything cause I know that if I do it would start an argument.

"What's up with you?" He asked as we got in the car. I shook my head while looking out the window
"So you not talking?" He asked
"I don't feel like starting an argument so I'm staying quiet" I said as my leg bounced up and down
"Argument about what?" He asked looking at me

Like boy you know damn well what the hell you was doing.
"Nothing Brandon can you take me home?" I asked
"Take you home? What happen to spending the day with me?" He asked
"Let me ask you a question and be for real. Why was you on FaceTime with your ex?" I asked him looking him dead in the eyes
"Baby it wasn't that serious" he said
"Okay" I said nodding while looking back out the window
"Okay so why are you mad?" He asked
"Not mad just confused" I told him looking at him for a second before going back to the road
"About what Dior? Your not talking to me" he asked sound frustrated
"Why is it that you tell me that you don't have time for me and that we can't talk on the phone because your tired but fine time to talk to your ex? If you want to be with her just break up with me and do so man" I said shaking my head
"I don't want to be with her I want to be with you" he said
"Right" I said sarcastically while nodding my head
"You for real?" He asked looking at me for a second before looking back at the road

I shrugged my shoulder before looking back out the window.
"It's everyone one before me right?" I asked
"Dior don't even do that" he said rolling his eyes. I smacked my lips before rolling my eyes
"Of course you don't want to talking about it. You never want to" I said
"Because it's bull shit" he said

I just stayed quit and waited for him to drop me off at my house.

Once we got in my apartment complex I got my stuff together and waited for him to stop the car. Once he did as I was about to get out he locked the door.

"Can you please unlock the door so I can leave" I asked while leaning on the door
"Look at me Dior" he said so I did
"Are you for real mad about this?" He asked me
"Yes Brandon! Everyone else get this version of you but when it come it me you shut me out man. How long have we been dating and we still haven't went on a date? But yet you can be cupcaking on the phone with your ex" I said unlocking the door from my side
"Dior" he said before I closed the door and walked off.

When I got in my apartment I walked up to my room and took off my clothes so I could get in the shower.

After my shower I wrapped the towel around me and walked in my room and looked at my phone

'(9) missed FaceTime calls from Stink Brando🧸💕'

Stink Brando🧸💕:
Baby please don't be mad at me🥺
Dee please come on talk to me
I don't want her babe
Alright talk to me when you ready I guess☹️
I love you❤️

I read the messages then turned my phone off and continued to get my clothes and lotion up my body. I put deodorant on S and perfume. After I was done I walked out to my kitchen and looked to see what I was eating tonight. I couldn't find anything that I was in the mood for so I got my keys and phone slide on my slides and walked out the door to see what I was in the mood for. I decided I wanted some fries from chick-fil-a so that's where I am. The line was too long so I went into the inside.

After I order and was about to pay I heard the little dig go off. I looked up to see Brandon putting his card back into his wallet.
"You didn't have to do that but thank you" I said also putting mines back into my wallet
"You my girl imma pay for your meal" he said and I nodded while looking down
"I texted you and called you earlier you know" he said
"I was in the shower" I told him
"For that long?" He said
"Had to clear my head" I told him
"What you want me to do to fix this?" He asked me
"Stop lying to me" I told him
"I wasn't lying babe for real. She just called me out of no where and I didn't know she was live" he said taking my hand
"What's up with you still having her number in the first place? Cause if I recalled you told me to delete mines number but you still have hers" I said just as my number had been called
"Fine I'll delete her number" he said grabbing her phone
"Nah don't do it now" I said getting my sauce before turning towards the door.

"Aht aht where you going?" He asked
"Home?" I asked cause where else would I be going?
"Nah go get a table" he said
"Brandon" I said
"Go get a table. I'll be right back" he said and walked off

This boy. I picked out a booth in the back and sat and scroll on my phone while eating my fries.

Lord what is this boy gonna do?

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