Shaqir O'Neal

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•Flashback~ 2 years ago•
"What don't you understand Jordan? I don't like you okay? I don't find you attractive. To me you're ugly as hell. You're annoying as fuck like damn just leave me the hell alone. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't even come around me" Shaqir said.

Yep he was my crush. Everyone knew. He screamed at me in front of everyone but yet everyone laughed at me while hyping him up.

That's when I changed.
I cut everyone off.

I don't talk to them. I don't Text them.
Nor do I follow them on Instagram

I was done..


I had a game today so that was the only reason that I was here. I haven't speak to anyone since then.

I guess you can say that I had a glow up. I mean I lost a lot of weight. My body looks good as fuck. I started wearing my hair curly. My hair is Ight brown now so no longer black.

Anyway enough about me. I've been up in my hotel room with my sister all day. My parents have their own room so we was all going to meet in the lobby.

"Jay you ready?" My older sister Lexi asked
"Yeah come on" I said

We walked downstairs and it just seemed like everyone was downstairs.
I rolled my eyes and sat down to wait for my parents.

"Hey Lexi" I heard
"Hey Shareef" she said they talked for some time before I heard my name.
"Hey Jordan"
"Sup" I said but didn't even look up
"I see she's still like that"
"Can you blame her" Lexi said but no one else said anything
"Thought so. Anyway she have a game today and I'm going to be there are you?" She asked. Now that's when I looked up cause what the fuck is she doing?

"Yeah everyone is gonna be there" he said looking at me. I shook my head and looked back on to my phone.
"Great see you in a hour" she said and with that he walked away.

"Lexi!" I said lightly hitting her
"What?" She laughed
"Why?" I asked
"Jay it happen two year ago why can't you just let it go?"
"Because Alexis I was embarrassed in front of everyone by the boy I liked. Not only did he do it in front of everyone he put me down. All the confidence I had is gone because of him. I don't speak to everyone that you talk to because they laughed at me. He got hype up when I got laughed at Alexis. I gotta live with that memory not you so that's why I'm not letting it go" I said standing up

"Hey ready to go?" My mom
"Yeah let's go" I said

We walked to the car and headed to the gym. The whole time in the car I listen to my music. Lexi pissed me off for the rest of the day.

After I got my uniform on I put my AirPods back in played my music and went out to warm up. I didn't even look in the bleachers because I know Alexis friends was there so there was no need for me to give them my attention.

I have friends back home but they don't play basketball so that's that. They would have came if it was back home but we all the way in Vegas so that's why they didn't come.

~Skip to the end of fourth quarter~
I had 27 points which is good as hell. I was on my shit this game so y'all know we got that W. Anyway every time I made a shot Lexi and her friends would shoot my name. I still didn't look in the bleachers.

After my shower and I changed I walked out to see everyone there talking. I searched for my parents for a couple of seconds before finding them.

"There she is. Look at my baby" my mom said hugging me
"Alright Ms.27 points lay some" he held out his hand for me to high five him. As we was talking and getting ready to go Lexi came over with her friends following.

Oh and by the way when I say her friends I mean all the O'Neals, the Christopher's( Josh and Caleb) Cassies Stanley, Scottie and Preston Pippen and Bronny.

"Great job sis" she think I'm still not pissed at her?
"Thanks" I pulled my phone out
"Hey guys we going out to eat to celebrate ready?" My dad said taking my bag.
"Can they come" Lexi asked referring to her friends. My parents looked at me like they couldn't say no.
"I don't care their you're friends Alexis " i rolled my eyes and started walking out the building and to the car.

I hope they know I'm not scooting over so they can ride, they need to find their own.

After I ordered what I wanted one of my best friends Callie FaceTime me.

"Hey boo" I said answering my phone
"Hey how was the game?"
"Good I had 27 points"
"That's Good right?"
"Yes that's good" I laughed

I stayed on the phone with her the whole time I was eating dinner. 

When we got back too the car I had got a message

Can we talk please?
                                 Me- who is this?
Shaqir. Please I want to apologize
                     Me- I don't want your apologies so leave me alone and tell Alexis to stop giving my number out have a good life.

This bitch would just give anyone my number.

~Shaqir POV~

"It didn't work Alexis and she said to stop giving he number out" I said sitting down.

Jordan have hated me since that situation two years ago. I didn't mean to yell at her like that nor did I mean to do it in front of everyone.

All the things I said to her was just for me to say so she would leave me alone. Jordan is a beautiful girl then and now.

I just wish she would let me talk to her....

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