Chapter 1: Where there is light, dark will fade

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"Akari, your brothers are home. Make your way downstairs and greet them!"

Mother's words were always something you had to obey, even if that was about to harm you. The smell of cigarettes was travelling in every corner of the house, making its' presence in my room too, making it a normal day.

I got used to it, waking up to the smell of cigarettes, the noise of people fighting in the back yard or the arguments from my parents but let's put it as parent. My father is pretty much gone most of the time with 'business', at least this is what he told me. He's my hero, but I haven't seen him in the past 2 years, yet I pray that he'll come home soon.

"My legs are numb, dammit!" uncovering my body and setting the blanket aside, I could see the bruises from yesterday still pretty much on my legs. All I could do was to sigh and make my way downstairs.

As I stood up the first thing I did, was to yawn. Sleep left me a while ago, making me stay awake for late hours. Walking towards the mirror to check myself, I heard the door as a sign my big brothers are home.
I ruffled my long dark hair with my hands, making it look more 'stylish', but that only in my eyes.

I open the door and walk at a slow pace to the stairs where I stopped for a second. It was quiet, pretty quiet for a house full of cracked people. I stretched my body and walked downstairs towards the guests living room.

My eyes were all around the room where lots of luggages and boxes were set aside. I had no idea what happened, but the time was already 2:45pm which means I overslept again.

"Did you get railed last night? Bet it was fun for you to break their ankles."

I could recognise that voice even if the room was filled with thousands of people. My body turned around from an instant, allowing me to see my older brother, Rindo.
He's not such a big deal, but for his age he's pretty annoying and persistent. Rindo is tall probably around 1,79, but what do I know. His hair is blonde with some blue highlights, having a wolf cut. He wears glasses so he can 'see his enemies better', or this is what he states.

"Tell me Rindo, do I look like I enjoy your stupid jokes?" I couldn't help it but talk back, something he doesn't really like but he has to put up with it.

"Heh? Akari shall we compare our positions?"

"Ara, ara, let's settle this in a nice way. Akari, long time no see!" that was it, that was the voice I pretty much enjoyed at least 50%. That voice 'belongs' to Ran my other older brother. He's no better than Rindo but we do make good deals sometimes. "Tell me sister, did you grow more stronger than when we saw last time?"

I could see his two braids 'dancing' around his neck. He's tall too, around 1,83 but he's no stronger than me and we all know it. His hair colour is dark as mine but two halfs blonde.

"Well compared to you, I could take over Valhalla or whatever gang you joined"

What did I say? Something I shouldn't but I fear no one from my family. I sat back on the sofa, resting my feet on the small glass table. My eyes felt so heavy, that made me close them instantly.  "Mum drank again last night. Had to break the fight between her and Kanji."

"Kanji?" Rindo said, standing next to the wall, having his arms crossed at his chest.

"Her new boyfriend, a pain in the ass he is."

Ran laughed knowing how dangerous that fight could get if I wasn't home. "I see, you grew strong and pretty, Akari. Any pickers around you?"

"Or the only thing you pick is your nose?" Rindo continued.

Ran always said I am pretty, he always cherished me but as I grew older I could see that fading away pretty fast. That's me, Akari the picker as they say. I am 16 and home schooled, well I was years back. I'm no taller than 1,65 but my hair is long enough exceeding my hips. I live with my mum only and partially my brothers and her new boyfriend, THIS WEEK.

"I can pick a fight with you if I wish to, so mind your words, Rindo." Rindo is 2 years older than me and Ran the same, actually they are one hour apart. They're not twins in personality, neither looks. They are twins only by the word.

As I sat there, I felt someone's weight on the sofa next to me. "Akari, take your belongings and get in the car!"

"What?" I snapped. Wherever they wanna take me, is no good. "I ain't going anywhere, I am waiting for papa."

"Listen Akari..." Ran got closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Mum left, a while ago before you came downstairs so who knows when she'll be back."

"Yeah, Ran is right. You have no money, no food and potential zero." Rindo continued.

Thinking about it now, when I woke up my room was empty and I thought my mum was up for some 'spring cleaning' but that was bullshit. "I have more potential than both of you and I am able to survive only with air if I wish to."

"Yeah, you can survive by stealing? Look, get ready and get in the car outside, we will take the baggage inside it." After Ran spoke as calm as he could, the luggages were taken outside one by one.

I needed time, I had to think about it. What was worse; me moving with my evil brothers that just got out from the juvenile centre or that my mum left again so she can work at the whore house? Neither of them was good but I had to survive for a while.

I took my jacket from the stand and put on some slippers. It wasn't that cold, had my shorts and a large 'Nirvana' shirt on, besides I was gonna sit in the car afterall.

I took my backpack, filling it with my gadgets, a few pictures with my ex friends, chargers and some small weapons I still kept for self-defence. Walking outside the house, something felt weird and off about it, but it was probably just me.

A black mini van was on standby in front of the house, so without any worries I walked towards it.

"Get in and make yourself comfortable. " Ran opened the door for me, smiling as usual. I got in and without any doubts, I took out my phone from the pocket and had a look on my feed. On the driver sit was already someone I knew, my brothers friend Izana.

"This day could be better if I put some effort into it, God allow me to be lazy for a while please." as said, I heard the doors of the car closing. Ran sat next to Izana and Rindo behind me with his other friend Kakucho. I didn’t mind them at all, I could handle them compared to my brothers.

The car starts moving and my eyes were on the window, looking at the scenery I won't see anymore for the future years, who knows. This house gave me so many feelings and made me feel nostalgic as I looked at it, I knew it was time to let go but something still felt off with the sudden move out.

As the car went off probably 1 street away, a huge noise came from behind. I had the urge to look and when did so, all I could see was dark smoke from what seemed " explosion?"

My brothers were laughing with their friends, giving high five to each other. "Well that was the best goodbye we had in a while. That whore won't bother to go back anyway so Akari, welcome to your new crimes as our sister or shall we say 'future loner'?"

I couldn't understand what just happend or why but by Ran's look of his face, I knew they planned something way behind when in juvenile.

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