Part 2

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"And that's how the story ends, they lived happily ever after."

"Yay! More! More!"Sangrila crawled off Rowena's lap, beaming

"I'm home!" The door swung open and mother walked in with groceries, her bag filled to the brim with tomatoes and bread. She fumbled with her bags and let a weak smile as Sangria bounded over to mother.

"Moma!"She clamped onto her leg. Her large green eyes looked up.

All mothers stern and expectations faded away as she looked into her youngest daughter's eyes."Hi dearie"

"Moma! Moma guess what?" she squealed

"What is it?" Mother said as she patted her head.

"RoRo give me a..."

"A-a snack!" Rowena cut in " Yum.... Right?"

Sangrila looked at Rowena with a puzzled expression

"Right?" Rowena said in a stern tone

"Muhmum..." Sangrila mumbled

"Alright, girls. I'll go make lunch" she said shaking her head "tomato soup today"

As mother stepped into the kitchen "why?" she said "no bok?"

"Not now," Rowena said shaking her head " Now we eat"

As they started to eat, there was a knock on the door, it was their nosy neighbor "did you hear?"

"Yes?" said mother obviously annoyed

" A trail," she said breathlessly

"A- A trial?" she perked up

" sunset" 

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