Part 8

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When Rowena's eyes opened she was in the library.

Sun filtered through the window and cast a warm glow on Sangrila's hair. She is cured next to Rowena.

Rowena patted her sister and stood up. As she walked into the kitchen and slumped into the kitchen chair and flicked her hair out of the face and spat a stand that stuck to her lips.

She put her feet on the table and laid back sighed as she looked at the ceiling.

A voice murmured.

Rowena looked over and her mother was looking at her.

Mother looked from her feet to her messy hair.

Rowena sat properly and looked down, embarrassed.

She looked at the floor and hid her face.

"What are you going to do today?"

"Erm...I will. I'll go to see... Abigail!"

"Poor girl," Mother whispered as she took a cloth to wipe down the table.

Rowena frowned, "I'll go get ready..."

Mother ignored that.

Rowena signed as she went to her room and opened the closet and stared in.

She wanted to throw on a random outfit but mother's words rang in her ears.

"Act like a lady perhaps?"

"Goodness sake, be a girl!"

"I bought you so many clothes, why won't you ever wear any?"

Rowena puts on a stuffy dress, corset and ties her hair. She fussed with the dress.

As she set off to Abigail's she looked her mother in the eyes and said softly "Better?"

And before she could get a response Rowena closed the door behind her. "Am I girly enough now?" Rowena spat angrily.

She stomped her way down the street and at Abigail's doorstep, she paused.

Took a deep breath and knocked.

There was a pause and Rowena contemplated just going home but just while she was turning back the door swung open.


Rowena turned and saw an elderly lady with wrinkled skin and a but load of jewelry stared at Rowena.

She looked Rowena up and down judgmentally and with annoyance she said "Well? What do you want?"

"Um- I'm looking for Abigail..."

"ABIGAIL!!!"The lady shouted so loud I jumped.

"Yes?"Said a voice as a pair of feet ran down the stairs.

"Rowena." Abigail froze in her tracks.

"Friend of yours?"Asked the old lady.

"No." She turned to me "What are you doing here?"

"Um..." What was I doing here? Rowena taught.

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