Reese Andrew Keller

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Vivica was left alone outside her cell once again. Why do they keep doing that? Were the gaurds unaware she could potentially escape? Vivica didn't know, but she started walking left down the long corridor of cells.

As she walked she heard yelling coming from the direction she was headed. Viv walked into a cement courtyard, aimlessly following the sounds. A group of patients were circled around two men, chanting and acting real excited about something. As she walked closer, Vivica realized the two were fighting. There was blood splattered on them as evidently they were really banging eachother around.

One of the guys was taller but skinnier. He had blazing red hair that swooped back and forth as he circled the other boy. The shorter one was a muscular and his black choppy hair stood out to Vivica right away. It was the boy who had been staring at her the other day. She immediately stepped forward through the crowd of patients while getting odd looks and glares till she was front row. The familiar boy took a quick glance over and  looked suprised to see her.

"Whos that Reese, your new pet?" The red head said with a smirk, getting multiple snickers and laughs from the crowd.

The boy who Viv now could call Reese, only frowned with a flash of anger in his eyes. He lunged at his obnoxious opponent who only side stepped him causing Reese to fall and hit the ground with an 'oof'.

Vivica tensed and turned to the red, who was now picking up a large rock the size of a fist.
'He's planning on finishing the job, stop him!' her best friends screamed. Viv junped out into the middle and tackled him. The boy didn't see this coming so he was easily taken down. The two wrestled eachother, Viv's hands taking place at his neck to choke him. She was then yanked off by someone, the Spanish girl who had threatened her at the cafeteria. As this happened, the boy was helped up by the brunette girl. He had to be held back as well, the rage flaming in his eyes as he tried to push past toward Vivica.

"Wes, calm down" the brown haired girl oozed as she held him by the shoulders.

"No Jene, you don't understand! That punk chic interfered!" He yelled pointing at her.

The Spanish girl let go of Vivica but glared at her angrily. "I should really wring your neck newbie. Do anything like this again, and you'll find yourself sleeping for a long long time." and with that, the woman grabbed Wes by the arm and pulled him out of the couryard with the girl Jene following close behind.

Vivica was breathing heavily, confused on what just happened. Interfered? With what, the fight? They were acting as if it were a tradition of theirs that she had ruined. She then looked around noticing everyone was looking at her in awe and fascination.

A slow clap came from behind her. It was Reese. He was standing once again with a smirk drawn on his face, mock clapping for Viv.

"Congratulations, you just made yourself three enemys." he said finally after he crossed arms over his chest. His voice was dark and it made her spine tingle. Vivica tried her hardest not to buckle.

"Wow, thanks" she mumbled in reply.

Reese nonchalantly wiped some blood off his temple, obviously in pain but he was holding it back. The crowd started to disperse, leaving the two alone mostly except for some stragglers who were too busy with eachother now.

"I didn't need your help. That was a stupid thing you did back there." Reese said with a sigh as he ran a hand through his choppy black hair.

"Yes you did need my help, he was going to kill you. Why were you fighting anyway?"

Reese sighed, and said "lost a bet. Winner gets to choose a reward. Wes's was a fight with me. Lord knows why, he just likes action I think."

Viv nodded slowly. That was a sick yearning to have. It seemed Wes had a taste for blood. Pretty despicable, but who was she to judge?
'Ha, you killed like 8 people in your life time, you are not eligible to judge this dude.' one of her best friends snickered.

"Your name's Vivica Porexia right? Cell 309? You killed like, your whole family or something." Reese said in a matter-of-fact way. Viv's greenish hazelish eyes grew wide.

"How do you-" she was immediately cut off by him again.

"Word goes around about every newbie in this asylum. Doctors gossip, nurses leave sloppy notes hanging around. No one can hold any secrets here." Reese said. He then continued before Vivica could say anything "I killed my mom and dad too. They deserved it though,  they never understood me. So i shot them both through the head. Left my sister Alice alive. She didn't do anything worth death. Ya know I don't regret a single thing I did."

As he spoke a content smile stayed on his face. Vivica frowned realizing that just like everyone else here, Reese was physchotic.

"I seem to regret everything." she mumbled quietly.

Reese shook his head with a small chuckle.

"That's the problem with you then. Among many others I'm sure. Regret is your worst enemy, something I've learned from much experience. It's nice to know though that when there is no regret, there is no limit to how much we can except as fine and understandable."

Vivica tugged of one of her messy ponytails. Her nervousness was showing through.
'This guy is crazy... why are you still here? Oh my gosh, you better not be having feelings for him! You will totally be dead if you are.'

one best friend half scolded Viv.

She shook her head a bit, not wanting to think into that further.

"I-I should go" she finally said.

Reese only shrugged at this statement.

"Fine, just don't do anything idiotic like that again. I will be seeing you around girlie, kay?" he stated with a brief nod and a devilish smirk. He started to walk away toward some other patients in the courtyard area.

Vivica started to scuttle away at a fast pace. She wasn't sure if her sticking her neck out for Reese had really created enemies. That was the last this she needed.

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