The Girl In The Garden

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Vivica was finally let out of her cell. For 'Good Behavior' the men said. Then they left her alone. Just literally walked away, leaving her in front of cell 309. Ok... that's a bit strange... she thought in her head. 'TRY TO ESCAPE STUPID!' Her best friends hissed back at her. Viv nodded quickly and started walking to the left, the opposite direction of those goons that put her here. She found herself walking into a garden. There were many beautiful flowers and apple trees. Orange trees too. As Vivica did a sweep of the place, her hazel eyes settled on something (or someone rather) strange.

There was a short girl, with white hair and what seemed to be gray eyes standing next to a bush. Her clothes were all dirty and blood streamed down her right sleeve. The reason there was blood was even stranger. The girl was purposely pricking her finger on one of the bush, and she was making an extremely deep wound. Vivica silently sneaked around and sat a few feet behind the girl. After a few moments of curious watching, Viv said "You should stop, blood stains."

The girl jumped in suprise and turned quickly. Her eyes were filled with fear for one second, but then the fear went down a knotch seeing Vivica. "It doesn't matter" the girl said in a shaky voice. She nodded slightly at this, though in the back of her head her best friends were speaking. 'Kill her! She did not heed your advice!'. Vivica shook her head furiously at this, then sighed inwardly in relief hearing another one of her friends say 'No, we must wait for the right moment.'

Then Vivica froze for a half a second. The right moment? She hoped that moment would never come.

"W-well, what's your name?" She asked, in a lame attempt to make friendly conversation. The girl only looked away, obviously uncomfortable and a bit ansy even. Vivica's fingers started to fuss with a small piece of rope she had tied around her left wrist. It scratched her skin, but she continued to braid it. "Are you scared too?" Viv murmured quietly.

In reply, the girl said "Why are you asking... Are you?"

Vivica nodded saying "I'm scared of this place... the people, and the gaurds and cells"

She lifted the small rope she had been braiding all the while and looked at it. It was very satisfying for Viv to look at, and she was happy with it.

"I'm scared of everything" the other girl said, seemingly getting something good off her chest.

Then the girl looked around as if she had seen someone. Or something. She started to wrap herself in a hug. "Leave me alone" she whispered.

Vivica looked around as well, expecting to see someone come from behind a bush or a tree. But there was nobody else in the garden. 'She's crazy! Kill her already!'. Vivica shook her head again. No, no she wasn't going to kill her.

"Stop!" the girl shouts now.

Vivica jumped when she shouted. Slowly she curled herself into a ball, scratching her head violently. Small drips of blood came out of the scratches and a whimper escaped Viv's mouth. Her best friends were speaking. 'Kill the girl! ' one screamed. 'Rid her of the pain.' another said. Each second the hisses of the voices got louder, scraping themselves across Vivica's hearing as weird as that may seem. But that was what it felt like.

"Leave me alone! I hate you!" the girl screeched, covering her ears with her hands.

Then Vivica stopped moving all at once. 'I hate you.' the words rang in her head. She remembered her brother at that point. How she had shot him because he said that to her. Viv sat up in one motion and looked at the girl with a blank expression. Blood dripped down the sides of her head. "You hate me..." she mumbled quietly. Vivica then started to plan how she would go about defending herself.

"Stay away" the girl sobbed with tears in her grey eyes, though it seemed she wasn't looking at Viv. But that didn't matter.

Vivica grunted. 'The line has been crossed. Now you kill her.' all of her best friends chanted in unison. Viv stood up like she was about to walk away. One of the gardeners must have been really forgetful, because they had left an rake up against a small apple tree. She fingered the handle gingerly, as if she was deciphering how to use the tool.

Tears fell from the girl's cheeks. It seemed she knew what was going to happen, but didn't care to fight it. She just stood there, waiting for Vivica to come forward with the rake.

Viv picked up the rake and walked forward. She felt like she was in her backyard all over again, ready to kill to defend herself. The best friends did know best anyways. Vivica's expression was icy cold. Her grip on the rake was tight as she stopped a few feet away from the girl. She swung the long rake without any hesitation. Suddenly, Vivica felt something ram into her left side causing her to collapse to the cement and drop the tool. A gaurd had tackled her midswing. Viv struggled with the man, but ultimately lost the wrestle. He called in for backup, and as he did so she looked up to the girl. She was being taken in by two other gaurds, and a gaping bloody scartch showed on her shoulder. Nothing life threatening. Still, Vivica felt her heart sink. She had hurt another person once again. Viv was picked up by two more brawny gaurds, and escorted (in quite a rude way might I add) to her cell.


Welp! That's it for chapter two. How do you like it? Mucho bein (Wow, me no speak Español), or is it just mediocre? Either way, I had fun writing it! Hope you enjoyed, and please vote and comment. ALSO, SPREAD THE WORD TO YO FRIENDS, K BYE!


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