Chapter 3

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He'd close his eyes and take my lips in his.......

"Luke...." I try smiling. "Hey."

He still looks the same, but looks so different also. His hair is up in a quiff, I've seen this hairstyle in nearly every store I walk into, but instead of it falling down on his forehead the way it would always be when we were together, it is pushed so high up I can honestly say it makes him like two inches taller.

"Hi, Ali." His voice definitely changed.

"" I look away from him and try catching my breath.

This is....unreal.

I look back up and he stands there, his smile reaching the dip on his cheeks. His hands are in his pocket, a normal custom he's always had....except when he wore his shorts of course. He would just find distraction with holding other things in his me.

"How...." He bites his lip.

Holy shit!

"You have a piercing?" I step forward, tilting my head to my side, trying to get a better view of his bottom lip.

"I thought you weren't serious back then." I smile, acknowledging fifteen year old Luke telling me he'd get a piercing on the lip I was bound to form a hole on with my biting.

"Yeah..." He pulls one hand out and brushes his hair back. Luke then leans down and points to his arm hidden underneath his long sleeve. "....I also got a tattoo of Ashton's ass like you told me."

My jaw falls to the floor.

"No you didn't!"

"I did." His blue eyes are mixture of blue, gray, and black swirled into one, all amused and focussed on me like how they used to be.

Snap out of it, Ali.

"So...." I cough, silencing our laughs. "...did you really do it? Cause I'd ask if I could see it, but I think that would be a bit strange."

His eyebrow raises and he then shakes his head. For it being Luke, quiet was never in his vocabulary. I remember the days he'd talk non-stop about his favorite songs and favorite albums, going over songs I loved and pushing me into singing with him on that stage where I was freaking out until he told me to begin the song.

She Will Be Loved.

"No. I didn't get that tattoo. That'd be strange for me. Fans already think I am dating all my band mates." He grins and sticks his pink tongue out.

I gasp and he looks down to me. "I read this fanfic-"

"You read fanfic?"

"It's not the point. So I was reading this fanfic about you and Michael get pretty kinky." I laugh and instantly stop, to hear his groans and cursing.

This was my Luke. The Luke that would always laugh and curse at some hilarious memory. My Luke laid across from me dreaming of something we both only thought was a dream. This is my Luke, my beautiful Luke.

I look up and see his eyes running over my lips once more.

I shouldn't act like this. I shouldn't be acting like him breaking up with me didn't affect me and everything is alright between us.

We still aren't right and here I am acting as if our relationship never ended.

"Luke...?" I ask and his smile turns neutral.

"Why'd you come?"

I wait a minute until he finally breathes and his eyes close.

"I'm sorry I gave up."

Some things Are Meant To Be (Luke Hemmings and Aleisha McDonald)Where stories live. Discover now