chapter 6

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"Morning, mom." I walk down the stairs. I don't doubt she'll comment on the dark circles around my eye from the lack of sleep I had last night, but as of right now I could care less if the queen of England asked me what's wrong. I just won't answer.

"Hey, honey. You want me to drive you to school?" She asks, offering a sweet smile I wish I could return.

I shake my head and make my way towards the door, a bit surprised that she didn't ask me about Luke. But then again, I know last time Luke showed up like this, I screamed at my mother after she had asked me why we broke up.

It was obvious.

I'm not going to get in the way of his love for music. I wasn't going to come between his career and everything he worked so hard for. I was going to stand in the sidelines, I would let him go, I thought. And when he made it up there, I would continue cheering him on and supporting him because someone like him deserves that and so much more.

It sounded like an easy plan back then.

But then the days came, the months, the year. And slowly and still so suddenly, I lost hold of it all. Of him.

"Aleisha! Hey, are you ready for that cover we're doing today?" My friend, Hillary, comes up to me.

I smile and shake my head.

"I meant to practice yesterday but I had some trouble with time management." I faintly tell the truth. I don't want to annoy her with yet another Luke story that will eventually just be something of the past.

"Oh, alright. If you want we can just do it tomorrow and just upload it when we're done." My brunette friend gleams.

I'm glad I have her as a friend. With her being the only person who has no idea what happened between me and Luke, that makes one less person to bother me about our breakup.

But that also means, not even my best friend knows about Luke unexpectedly showing up to my house last night.

Some things Are Meant To Be (Luke Hemmings and Aleisha McDonald)Where stories live. Discover now