25 , reminders

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it's been a week since you left and i haven't felt the same since.
the moment our lips parted, i felt a new kind of emotion. heartbreak? betrayal? loneliness? maybe all three.

the clothes you left here when you stayed with me are gone now. i catch myself staring at the empty spot in the closet where your things used to be.
i'm not sure if i'm angry at you or sad that you aren't here in my company like you usually are. it's another kind of grief i'll have to get used to.

sometimes i stare at the constellations and think of you. i used to love the feeling of seeing something that reminded me of you, but now it's like a curse.
it's as if everything i see, touch, smell, hear, taste—it's always connected to you.

the bed we slept in still smells like you. it reminds me of the night we slept in it for the first time together and woke up the next morning feeling so loved.
when your eyes turned a honey color in the sunlight and your hair was a mess, but i didn't care because you looked stunning as a mess.

even the wind reminds me of you. the way it blew your hair every other way while you sat at the edge of the dock staring off into space while i always wondered what that head of yours was thinking. sometimes it sounds as if it's whispering your name in my ear and it's foolish, but i listen.

i wish you were here to make it better like you always did. even if you did hurt me, your touch would make that pain go away in an instant.

it always did.

𝑲𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑨 ❩ 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now