55 , real

254 12 0

the longer i sat amongst the flowers, the more i laughed at myself for letting mud stain the skirt i had worn today. i just couldn't get over the smell of fresh rain and the way the stems slightly swayed in unison with whichever way the wind blew. i soaked in the atmosphere for however long i could before i had to go back.

the sound of footsteps behind me made my attention shift to whoever was making them, but before i decided to turn my attention toward the noise, i felt a feeling in the pit of my stomach i couldn't explain. but the feeling didn't go away when my eyes latched onto the person who stood standing in the same sea of flowers i had been sitting in out of all days. i couldn't make out if this was a hallucination—a trick my brain made up to pay me back for being sentimental today—or a dream that i had happened to be in because i fell asleep without realizing.

my mouth parted to say something, but instead, nothing came out. i stood up without daring to tear my eyes away from the figure while my legs started walking which turned into running without any warning. soon enough, the tears that swelled in my eyes ran down my face as i was met with open arms. i leapt into them without a second thought before he swung me around, my head in his chest barely tall enough to reach it. the longer i felt him, touched him, held him—the more i knew this couldn't be a dream or a hallucination.

it was real.
he was warm, just like i remember. too warm for it to be something my mind made up. too real for this to be a dream.

you kept your promise, just like you said you would.

𝑲𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑨 ❩ 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now