36 , companion

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it was the fifth night and we all had set up camp to rest after walking all day. the heels of my feet had never throbbed so bad, but it was nice to finally sit down after my legs ached from the week's long travel.

the fire we started warmed my shivering body. the night air felt cold, making goosebumps visible on my skin. i watched the wild flames flicker as the boys laid out the blankets for us.

"there was a river not far from here, right?" i asked out loud hoping to hear a yes in response. "yup, just down the same road we took to get here." kiba said after placing his bag down next to his blanket and joining me in front of the fire.
i told him a quick thanks before rummaging through my bag for the bar of soap i brought along with some other things to keep clean if we ever came across a river or lake.

"want me to go with you?" blondie asked, sitting down in front of the fire with kiba. he let out a loud laugh before patting the blonde boy's back. "maybe someday you'll get lucky enough to buddy." i couldn't help but laugh at his remark.
he rolled his eyes at his comment. "you know i didn't mean it like that," narrowing his eyes, "mutt." he said under his breath. "you wanna say that again? ya can't fool these ears loudmouth." they bickered back and forth with each other.

"i'll take akamaru with me," i said over their little squabble, "just make sure you guys don't strangle each other before i get back, okay?" i added with a small laugh before i started to walk away from the camp. the brunette's companion ran after me with a bark. "take care of that girl, alright akamaru?" kiba yelled out when we were already a ways from them to which the furry companion barked back in response.

kiba was telling me how he never leaves without akamaru when we were talking one of these days. he said if there was one, the other was always close by.
i think it's something to admire, to have that close of a connection with someone or something that they never leave your side-and it's always a plus if it's a cute, large animal with soft fur that you could pet all day.

we got a chance to warm up to each other on the journey. whenever i would start to slow down or feel tired, he would run up beside me and keep me upright by nuzzling his nose under my hand and letting me lean on him for as long as i felt sluggish. it always surprises me how large he is.
sometimes i'd pet him and he'd wag his tail at the attention. other times, he would act as my pillow and let me fall asleep on him. the warmth of his large, furry body would radiate against my cold one during the chilly nights. it made me feel safe and comfortable. kiba didn't seem to mind-if anything, he would just smile at us two getting along so well.

it reminds me of the days where you would fall asleep next to me in the same bed. whenever i was cold, you would wrap your arms around me and it went away. you were always so warm compared to what everyone called you.

but maybe it was because you were never cold towards me.
not until the day you left.

𝑲𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑨 ❩ 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now