twenty three

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"we weren't- okay whatever." raelynn sighed.

"oh my god, my sister's dating my comfort streamer." taylor whined

"we aren't dating. why does everyone think that?"

taylor shrugged "you guys just look like a couple,"

"I don't see it-"

"of course you don't." taylor said, rolling her eyes and flopping onto her bed.

"what do you mean 'we look like a couple'?" raelynn said after being silent for a while.

"you guys just look like those people who look like they would date,"

raelynn furrowed her brows. she shrugged her shoulders and left the room, closing the door behind her so that taylor could change.

she was met by karl standing in the kitchen looking over to her with the cake pan in his hands. he gently placed the baked good down on the counter to cool down and walked over to her.

she had a dorky smile on his face as he looked down at her. he held her hands in his.

"do you have anything we can decorate the cake with?" he asked

raelynns heart skipped a beat at the sudden touching.

"there should be some frosting in the refrigerator,"

he nodded, still holding her hands.

"are your hands always this cold?" he asked, rubbing her hands trying to warm them up.

raelynn nodded.

"I'm not used to having people with warm hands hold them."

"maybe we can change that."

raelynns stomach did a whole fucking backflip.

she was down bad.

Karl's POV

he loved the look on raelynns face when he complimented her or flirted with her.

a small smile would appear on her lips and she would avoid all eye-contact, sometimes she would even turn her head away to hide and when she turned back her face would be tinged red.

he could tell she wasn't used to the affection he was giving her, it was pretty clear that she didn't know how to react or what to say when he did these things.

but of course, she had the exact same effect on him as he did her. he didn't really know what he was doing either.

but if there was one person he would be willing to try a relationship with, it would be her. it would always be her.

she was his sunshine but his moon too, he loved how she could easily change from all bright and happy to all dark and mean.

he watched raelynn try to cover her face. she made an excuse to go and get the frosting from the refrigerator and went to the kitchen.

whenever he was around her he was smiling, in was inevitable.

she brought him so much euphoria and he didn't know how to make it stop. but it's not like he wanted it to stop anyway.

"is the cake cooled down enough yet?" he asked her, walking over to the counter.

she shrugged and went to check.

"yeah, it is, are you ready to decorate it?" asked raelynn

"only if you are."

"well, yeah, I guess so."

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