thirty eight

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raelynn woke up in Karl's bed.

she frowned as she sat up, karl wasn't in the bed with her, he was lying on the floor with a blanket.

he was already awake, scrolling on his phone.

"karl?" she asked, her voice was raspy from sleeping and her hair was a mess.

"rae, goodmorning." he smiled, sitting up and looking at her.

she took a second to admire him.

"why are you on the floor?"

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by sleeping in the same bed." he admitted, smiling sheepishly.

raelynn appreciated that. he didn't know her boundaries regarding that so he just slept on the floor.

"oh, I would've been fine with it, but thank you for not assuming that I was."

he nodded. "of course."

"do you wanna go downstairs?" karl asked.

raelynn nodded and got out of bed. karl did the same and they went downstairs.

"good morning sleepy heads." george chimed, standing by the kitchen counter with a glass of water in his hand.

"hi george." raelynn muttered, rubbing her eyes.

"morning." karl yawned.

dream and quackity were on the sofa, rae assumed that sapnap was still in bed.

karl went to sit with dream and quackity on the sofa whilst raelynn walked over to george.

she leaned on the counter beside him.

"did you get a good sleep?" he asked.

raelynn nodded. "mhmm"

"did you?" she asked.

he nodded.

"wait who are you sharing a room with george?"


"oh?" she smirked.

he rolled his eyes and shoved her on the arm lightly.

"you're annoying." he sighed.

"you love it."

he chuckled lightly and sipped on his water.

"whatever." he muttered.

raelynn smiled.

george finished his water and put the glass down.

"do you wanna go on a walk?" he asked.

"okay, sure, let's go."

he nodded and let the others know that they were going out.

they walked out of the door and down the street.

"have you been enjoying america so far?" raelynn asked, looking up to him slightly.

"yeah, I guess so." he shrugged.


they walked until they found a small park.

they took a seat at a park bench for a break to talk.

"raelynn?" george asked.

"hm?" she hummed

"can I ask you something?"

"go ahead."

"you have to answer honestly."

raelynn nodded.

"do you actually like karl?"

"yeah, I like him. he's a good friend."

"no that's not what I mean."

"what do you mean then?"

"do you actually have feelings for him? or is it platonic."

raelynn frowned and looked down to her shoes.

she trusted george, she really did. but she knew that he would try to convince her to tell karl and she didn't know if she was ready for that, she didn't even know if he felt the same way.

"I mean, I like him platonically but I also... like him more than that? like whenever I'm around him I... I dunno... I guess what I'm trying to say is yeah, I do."

george nodded, as if he could tell there was more she wanted to say.

"I feel like a teenager with a dumb school crush again." she said sheepishly.

"you know, you can talk to me about it if you need to. I'm not gonna tell anyone."

raelynn nodded.

"I don't know where any of these feelings came from, george. and I don't know what to do about it."

"I know what you mean," george agreed.

"and it's stressful."

"how so?"

"I don't know if he feels the same or if it's just one sided."

"I don't think it's one-sided, rae."

"but how can you be so sure?"

"well, I'm not. but I believe he feels the same. you guys almost kissed for gods sake."

raelynn nodded.

"thank you george."

"of course." he smiled.

"do you think I should tell him?"

"only if you're ready."

"how do I know if I'm ready or not though?"

"I'm not sure."

raelynn nodded. "I'll tell him one day."

"okay, are you ready to go back?"

"yeah, let's go."

I think george and raelynns friendship is one of my favorites lol.

double update bc I felt bad about the last chapter being short.

drink water
eat food
take meds

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