twenty four

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"I AM NOT A LOSER!" dream yelled into the phone.

"okay, cool your tits."

"I- what- WHAT?"

"it's too late for your bullshit, clay."

"shut up."

"go to bed."

"why would I go to bed when I can ask about what happened with you and karl today."

"jesus clay, why don't you just ask karl? its two in the morning."

"because he won't tell me."

"well I'm not going to tell you either."

"I guess I'm just gonna resort to asking taylor."

"she was at school and when she did get home she was in her room for almost the whole time."

"why can't you just tell mee?" he whined.

"it's two in the morning you idiot. let me fucking sleep."

"if I can't sleep then neither can you."

"oh yeah? are you sure? cause I can just hang up, you know that right?"

"no don't hang u-"

she hung up.

dream was always up at the latest times. what was so important that made him need to stay up so late? bullshit absolutely bullshit, sleep is one of the best things ever. it's like skipping time kinda, well, not really, it was so late and she was so tired, her thoughts were all messed up.

she rolled over and shut her eyes, her thoughts immediately drifted to karl. the one thing she hated about her mind was that she could never control her thoughts. they were constantly everywhere and she didn't know how to calm them down.

maybe she should just let them come this time. it couldn't hurt to think about him right? well maybe it could. what if he doesn't actually like her? what if he doesn't feel the way she feels about him. oh shut up. she grunted and rolled onto her back, trying to get comfortable.

raelynn let out a sigh, sitting up and going to karls contact.


karl 💖

I don't want
to be annoying but are you

yeah I'm awake
what's up?

can I call you?

yeah sure


she didn't hesitate to press the call button.

he answered almost immediately.

"are you okay?" he asked

"yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice."


"yeah, I couldn't sleep and I was... I was kinda hoping that your soothing voice would you know... make me sleepy?"

"you're too cute."

raelynn made a sort of gibberish sound instead of replying. it sounded kinda like what a keyboard smash would sound like irl? weird.

"do you want me to tell you a story?"

"oh okay sure,"

karl started telling her a story about when him and quackity met up for the first time, he made sure to keep his voice low and soft so that he didn't frighten her at all.

raelynns eyes had fluttered closed as she listened to karl talk. this was the calmest she had ever heard him. she loved this side of him. she loved every side of him.

she loved him???

did she love him?

she slowly drifted off to sleep as karl continued to talk.

he smiled as he heard her soft snores.

"are you awake?" he whispered. when there was no reply he smiled and hung up. he felt bad for hanging up but he knew she would probably hang up on him in the morning anyways. plus, he didn't want to bother her by staying on call.

he loved her. he was sure if it at this point. he just hoped she felt the same.

filler chapter >:)

i love you drink water
and eat something if you haven't already. and also take any meds that
you're supposed
to take if you haven't

you are sososososoo important
and I love you so much :)

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