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Karl's POV

karl's heart was racing.

raelynn had just confessed her feelings for him and he had kissed her.

he was so happy that she felt the same way that he did.

it was like a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

he was currently on his way back from dropping raelynn home.

he was excited to tell his friends what happened.

they were all so supportive of his feelings for raelynn and encouraged him to tell her, if raelynn hadn't done it first then he would've done it first.

he parked his car and got out, walking to the front door.

his face was probably still a bright shade of red.

he stepped inside and stood with his back to the door.

he still couldn't quite process what had just happened.

he stood with his hand covering his big dorky smile.

he hadn't experienced feelings like this before.

he took a deep breath and walked further into the house.

karl couldn't stop smiling. nothing, absolutely nothing could ruin his mood now.

he entered the living room where the other boys sat, watching television.

"oh hey karl." quackity said as karl walked in.

dream glanced up at him and smirked, karl could tell that he already knew. raelynn definitely messaged him about it the minute after it happened.

"LET'S GOOOOO KARL!!" dream shouted.

"wait huh?" sapnap frowned.

karl laughed and covered his mouth again, he still couldn't believe it.

"what is it?" george asked.

"are you gonna tell them or do you want me to?" dream asked.

"you can." he replied, still trying to contain his happiness.

"THEY KISSED!!" dream shouted.

"wait really?" sapnap asked.

"LET'S GOO!!!" quackity yelled.

"YAY KARL CONGRATS!" george piped up.

"FINALLY!" sapnap grinned.

karl walked into the room more and sat on the sofa.

"what do I do now?"

he was genuinely confused on what to do next. how does he ask her to be his girlfriend?? does it just happen or??

"ask her on a date." sapnap shrugged.

"isn't it too soon though?"

"maybe, just talk to her more and then eventually ask her out and just go further from there." dream said.

"okay, got it."


karl! @honkkarl
I am a simp 🤧

💬  319       ♻️ 1,941  ❤ 19,409


rae 🌦 @stfuraelynn
replying to @honkkarl
me too 😔🔫
I'm sorry guys... I failed you all...


sapnap @sapnapalt
replying to @honkkarl
you better be talking about me.


karl! @honkkarl
replying to @sapnapalt
well... you see... um...


sapnapalt @sapnapalt
replying to @honkkarl
wtf karl ☹


karl! @honkkarl
replying to @sapnapalt
I'm sorry sapnap I still love you 😕


sapnap @sapnapalt
replying to @honkkarl
sorry isnt good enough karl...


karl! @honkkarl
replying to @sapnapalt
but can you blame me?!?! she's so <3


sapnap @sapnapalt
replying to @honkkarl
damn you were right. you are a simp ☹


karl! @honkkarl
replying to @sapnapalt
I can't help it 😔


dream @dreamwastaken2
replying to @honkkarl and @sapnapalt
hey karl, reminder that she follows you and is seeing these tweets about her.


karl! @honkkarl
replying to @dreamwastaken2 and @sapnapalt
oh you're right. thanks dream.
as I was saying, it's basically impossible to not simp for someone as perfect as her.


dream @dreamwastaken2
replying to @honkkarl and @sapnapalt
I think you broke her

short chapter bc it's a filler chapter.

ily take ur meds if you do it's important

you're so cool like so so cool and valid

thinking about a minecraft date chapter 🤨

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