thirty nine

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"do you guys want to go out for lunch?" karl asked as george and raelynn walked in the front door.

karl had already talked to everyone else about it but since raelynn and george were out, he had yet to ask them yet.

"oh, sure. but can you drop me home so that I can get changed first?"

"yeah, we can do that, raelynn." karl answered.

"okay, cool."

karl dropped raelynn off at her apartment so that she could get ready, while she was getting ready he dropped the guys off at the café and told them to find a seat wait until he got back with raelynn to order.

raelynn changed clothes and brushed out her hair, putting it in a low ponytail.

she still didn't know when or if she was going to tell karl about how she felt, if she does decide to tell him then it would have to be soon, she didn't know if she could take it anymore, she was sick of keeping her feelings bottled up.

she sighed as there was a light knock on her front door.

karl had come back to pick her up.

raelynn grabbed her things and headed out of her apartment.

karl was standing outside of her apartment waiting for her.

the two walked downstairs and outside to Karl's car.

karl opened the passenger door for the girl and closed it behind her.

"you look nice," he said as he pulled out of his park. "you always look nice." he continued.

raelynn smiled and looked at her lap. "karl-"

"what?" he laughed

"you're so nice to me."

"well, my mom always told me to be nice to pretty girls."

raelynn quirked an eyebrow at him.

"she actually never said that, I just wanted to call you pretty again." he giggled.

raelynn covered her face with her hands.

karl frowned, glancing at her as he stopped at a red light.

"don't do that."


"cover your face."

"why not?"

"because I like seeing you flustered."


"why? you can't handle my compliments?"

raelynn nodded. "that is exactly why."

karl smiled smugly to himself. "whatever you say, pretty girl"

raelynn shook her head and smiled, looking out of the window.

once they had arrived at the diner, karl opened raelynns door and took her hand.

he was always such a gentleman towards her. it made her fall even harder each and every time.

she'd never been treated like this by any man before.

they entered the café and found their friends sitting at a table.

raelynn took a seat next to george and dream whilst karl took a seat beside sapnap and quackity.

"have you ordered yet?" karl asked.

"no, you told us to wait." george frowned

"okay, I was just making sure! jeez!"

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