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{Derek's POV}

It was just pure luck that I had come across Liam in the nearby grocery store.

The woman who usually shops for my groceries has gone for her annual holiday, so I had to buy groceries this week.

Which I must say, had been quite difficult since I'd already forgotten what I was here for when I'd seen Liam.

His soft appearance gave him the sense of innocence, that's what captured me this time.

That and the confusion written across his features, I notice him rapidly walking along the isle.

His eyes fiercely focused, why does he look like he's studying for an exam rather than shopping for groceries.

I call out to him, it turned out he had been looking for blinker fluid.
Which I had informed him did not exist.

The events that occurred next were not my intention to make him feel flustered, but rather was a way for me to apologise.

But I thought it'd be better to keep him on his feet until the coming weekend when he is to start working.

I could feel my face grin from each corner seeing him stomp off angrily.

"I'll see you later, Angel" I chuckle darkly, which immediately dies down when I realise my grocery shop hasn't finished.

That I could have also asked Liam for help, if I had not royally pissed him off.

"What a nuisance!" I grumbled, crumpling the list as I couldn't be bothered reading it.

Wandering around the isles until I saw something I felt I needed and grabbed it.

Money was not an issue to me, it was figuring out how to store it all later.

I have never put so much food in one cart in all my life.

I couldn't help but feel a little bad for the cashier, whose eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the amount of food going onto the counter.

"I've never really shopped before, my shopper is on holiday" I explain, like any normal person would say.

"Oh yes, cause everyone has a personal shopper, I completely understand" the cashier mutters sarcastically, placing each item of food into the plastic bag carefully.

Quickly but carefully, I then wondered if I could use my cart to carry my bags of food.

But I didn't want them to think I was stealing the trolley.

I'll just carry my bags, it's not that hard and I could use some exercise anyway.

On my way out I'd noticed Liam walking with his trolley outside and load his own groceries into his own bags.

I watched curiously as I walk towards my car, parked closed to a reserved parking lot.

"Does he not drive?" I question curiously, I quickly pack everything into the boot of my car before jumping into the driver seat.

I felt like a stalker, but I am just merely worried and curious about him.

It seemed like too much for him to carry, it wasn't until I was driving past that I slowly winded the window down.

"Liam, Would you like a ride home?" I asked in the nicest voice I could muster with a smile.

"No I'm okay!" He shouts back, turning beet red as he quickly shuffles along the footpath as if to escape from me.

What a silly child, I roll my eyes as I drive up beside him and ask again.

"Are you sure? Those look heavy" I say worriedly, but I notice his heaving chest and red face.

Him biting his lip in effort to keep walking with his groceries.

"I'm fine, I'll be put of my misery soon when I get home!" He mutters unenthusiastically, walking or rather almost jogging with his groceries down the side street home I'm guessing.

I shrug my shoulders as I let him sprint off, not before I catch Liam sporting a small smile.

Once I'd come home, I couldn't help but sigh loudly at all the unpacking I'd have to do.

~Devils Laughter~ [ManxBoy] Where stories live. Discover now