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{Derek's POV}

My mind ran over the interviews I had that day, none really interested me as much.

Except that kid Liam, the one that could barely talk right off the bat when he walked into my lobby.

If that's what you would even call it.

Not even one step into the room and you could already tell what he was thinking.

"Question is, will he show up today" I said to myself, since the ones I told to come today were the possible candidates for the job I had open.

I have never laughed so much in one interview, sure I would give a slight chuckle for the person to be at ease.

But this kid had me in fits, the ugly kind of laugh.

He was so gullible, which made it harder for me not to mess around with him.

Anyway, the other interviews.

My eyes scanned over the papers of the others.

Most of the questions were of the personality, the way they viewed others.

Some were professional answers, the type of answers the regular interviewer was looking for.

Obviously they have been to other interviews since they knew exactly what to say.

I wasn't looking for that.

They'd be boring to work with, always knowing what to say and harder to tease since it would feel very serious the entire time.

I hated serious, it wasn't something I dealt with well.

But my candidates didn't know that, I was being very serious the entire interview which I knew made them uneasy.

"I wonder who'll show up first" I grinned, standing up from my desk leaving the coffee placed where I just sat.

turning around the corner to where I found my cat, purring against my legs but I knew better, when I least expected it.

The little Muppet was going to bite my foot.

"Malve, what do you want now" I sighed then picked up the tiny creature in my arms.

It purred viciously like it hit the jackpot, but I knew that the cat just wanted food.

I was it's personal feeder, I was also a sucker for the cuteness of this kitten.

I felt a vibration against my leg making me frown, my hand fishing into my pocket whilst trying not to drop the warm furball in my arms.

Picking up the phone, it was Milly on the other end of the call.

"Sir, Liam is here?" She questioned curiously.

"Oh yes, send him up please" I answered back quicker than I should've.

I knew she was laughing cause she didn't answer for a second, I could almost picture her stoic face holding in a laugh.

"He's your candidate right?" She asked back into the phone with laughter in her voice.

obviously Liam was on his way since she was speaking louder now.

"Yeah he is, why's that?" I questioned curiously.

"Did you say something to him, because he turned up an hour earlier than everyone else" She couldn't refrain from chuckling then.

But neither could I, Because no one else except Liam was here.

He made it here first.

What made him come so early?

I thought about it so hard that I hadn't realized he turned up.

Well, And for the fact that he was again gawking around my apartment like it was the best thing he's ever seen.

"Welcome back young Padawan" I said in a light mocking tone, making him glance at me for a second.

He held his hand up like he was shushing me, but to no avail since it only stunned me into being quiet for only a semi-second.

"okay now that I'm done being shocked from your apartment, I'm now ready to talk" He put his hand down and gave a shy smile.

I grinned back at him, then he turned red.

A bright tomato red.

He no longer had any words to speak to me, he just kind of stared at me.

once again, just like yesterday.

I swear I could run a marathon before he realizes he's been staring at me for a whole five minutes.

"Liam.." his eyes were wide but he obviously didn't hear me.

I rolled my eyes, I clapped my hands in front of his eyes.

"Liam!" I spoke louder, trying to gain his attention, which I succeeded in.

He was embarrassed though because he always sighed when he was.

It didn't take a genius to notice how embarrassed he was, he faked it well though since he invited himself to sit down at my table.

Before I could even offer him a seat, beverage or even food.

"Alright, so I've asked you here this morning for one certain type of question. that will determine your certainty for the position as my assistant" I spoke in a lower voice, trying to portray how serious I was.

His face drained of colour.

"As..assistant?" he questioned, stuttering in a very manly like way.

He's definitely a bottom.

Why did I just assume he was a bottom...?

"I can't handle just sitting here with him how can I handle being his assistant.." he whispered quietly, obviously he didn't notice he spoke aloud.

"If you can't handle me now, you may as well just leave?" I leaned forward and he leaned back, his eyes wide.

"That's not what I meant..I'm sorry sir!" he squeaked out nervously.

"very well then, your question is" I purposely stopped just to see him lean forward in anticipation.

"Why us?" I asked.

"In what way do you mean?" He questioned back.

"Why did you choose our job interview out of all the other ones." I asked, I watched his body language very carefully.

It was very easy to pick out a liar from the ocean of truth.

"I wanted to try something that would help push me further into the work force, plus it wouldn't hurt to give this a try?" he said in an unsure tone of voice.

I nodded, satisfied with his answer.

He seemed to relax a little bit.

He doesn't seem to know about me being the son of the third richest man in the world, so I guess that's a good thing.

Since I own a few of the houses and hotels in the area he lives in.

He's not here for only the money, he genuinely wants to learn as well as gain experience.

[Authors Note: if there is a character or POV you want added in or written from, please let me know and I'll add it into the book]

~Devils Laughter~ [ManxBoy] Where stories live. Discover now