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[Liam's POV]

"Oh nothing" He ruffled my hair with a cheeky grin on his face then started to stroll down the isle.

I frowned in utter confusion, shaking my head to rid myself of the daze I'd just been put in.

"What do you mean, nothing?" I said as I mocked what he said earlier, holding up my hands to enunciate my question.

"Exactly." He winked and I just felt like I'd unintentionally said something dirty.
When I'd asked a normal question.

"That doesn't make sense!" I practically shouted in annoyance, by this moment my arms were crossed.
My eyebrows drawn together.

"Yes it does" He looked as if he were holding back a laugh as he spoke.

"H-how!" I spluttered, my hands throwing up in frustration.

"Just does" he shrugged innocently, batting his eyelashes seductively making me double take in surprise.

"Whatever" I muttered in an annoyed tone, moving to stomp past him just to show how angry I was with him.

Making sure my shoulder hit him when I stomped by him, my movements were however halted.

When he caught me by surprise, grabbing my wrist in a tight hold.
Tugging my wrist and pulling me into him in one swift move.

My body pressed up flush against his hard chest.
I swore my eyes widened so much that my eyes could have popped out but instead I froze.

He was staring down at me with an intense gaze, sending a chill down my spine.

I couldn't take it anymore, I could feel my knees weakening just by the way he was staring at me.
My eyes dropped down to my feet in a shy manner.

"Look at me." He said in a rough voice.

I shook my head in response, not trusting my voice.

That's when I felt his fingers grip my chin, tilting my head up forcefully to look up at him.
My breathing hitched when he moved his face closer to me.

Only to move his lips by my ear to whisper.
"You are easy to tease." He spoke in a teasing voice.

That was enough for me to pout and shove myself away from him, shaking my head.

"I am not!" I grouched, narrowing my eyes at him in frustration.

"You liked that, didn't you." He stated, grinning from ear to ear.

"No!" I squeaked, scuffing my feet on the smooth floor.

"Told you" He flicked my nose along with another wink, he felt smug.
That was clear as day.

That's when my expression dropped and a burning feeling came over my cheeks, when I realised he was just messing with me again.

"Asshole" I muttered angrily.
Stomping the opposite way from him.

Only to crash into a trolley, making me go 'ooph'.
I heard him laugh harder when I immediately began stomping away again, sticking my nose in the air.

I was muttering to myself constantly as I was looking for the rest of the items on my list.
I wanted to punch and kiss him at the same time.

'How does one make you want to murder, but kiss them at the same damn time?' I thought to myself in confusion.

~Devils Laughter~ [ManxBoy] Where stories live. Discover now