Familiar taste of pain

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I listened to the careful snipping of scissors as the Winter Soldier cut my stitches and removed them.
"They've sealed up pretty nicely doll," he murmured.
I gave him a look and he grinned knowing full well that the nickname was pissing me off.
"All done," he whispered.

I looked down at all the fresh sealed up scars.
"Thank you," I murmured.
He beamed down at me "You are more than welcome,"

Bruce started punching things into his computer and reached for the glass coffin and I took a deep breath.
"You ready?" Bruce asked.
I nodded and he closed me in and the bright lights came on.

I looked to my left and saw the Winter Soldier through the bright light leaning down to my level.
I didn't know if I imagined it but I could just make out him mouthing the words 'It's alright, you gonna be ok, I'm right here'

I stared at him I didn't realise I had for so long until the lights went out and the coffin opened.

"Ok, you should be able to stand and walk at least, but just know you can't do anything too extreme, just a bit of light walking," Bruce said cutting my cast open.

My leg was free, I sat up and took a deep breath as I dangled my legs over the table and felt the floor under my feet and slowly stood up wobbling slightly.
I took a few steps and stumbled slightly and the metal arm stopped me falling on my face.

"You ok?" He asked and I nodded in response.
I then paused and thought about something "Bruce, would I be able to go in the pool, or is that not possible yet?"

He paused and smiled "As long as you take it slow and steady, no Olympic racing manoeuvres, it shouldn't be a problem, Bucky just make sure she gets down those stairs ok, it might be an issue,"
I smiled "Thank you Bruce,"
"Anytime Mercy,"


We headed straight out Bruce's lab to the stairs down to the pool. He was right the stairs were a little tricky but I kept my grip tight on the rail with the Winter Soldier keeping his metal arm ready to catch me if I fall.

Once I reached the bottom I had to hold back a gasp of this pool. It was stunning.
The ceiling was black and dotted with tiny lights looking like stars, there were deckchairs surrounding the pool which was huge by the way.

I paced slowly to the edge and sat down dipping my feet in.
It was freezing yet for some reason that made me smile.
I then pushed myself off the edge and under the water watching the explosion of bubbles around me.

I came back to the surface hearing the winter Soldier cursing.
"You okay?" He said leaning down to me.
I nodded "I'm great,"
"God I thought you hurt yourself," he said rubbing his face.

I stared him and he looked down at me.
"I take it you didn't want to stop and change then?"
I rolled my eyes "I think you've seen enough of me to last infinite lifetimes and I'd like to keep that as the last time,"

He smiled and stood up removing his belt from his jeans.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled.
He dropped his jeans to the floor "I'd like to have a swim is that a problem?"

"Well yeah it kind of-"
I cut myself off when he took his shirt off and dear holy god that was a lot of muscle under there.
He stood there staring down at me in his boxers "Well is there?"
I paused "N-no problem,"

He smiled and jumped into the pool splashing me on impact.
"God dammit you asshole!" I yelled.
He laughed "Sorry doll,"
I scowled at him and paddled up to him "I told you not to call me that,"

I then pushed him under the water and felt him drag me down with him.
There proceeded to be a mini wrestling fight underwater until he dragged me back to the surface laughing.

"Doll I think we've already established we are kind of evenly matched, so attempts at drowning me are not gonna work,"
I rolled my eyes and proceeded to float on my back and stare at the ceiling.
The calm was enchanting of floating on my back and staring at the pretend stars.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so zen,"
I sighed "Maybe it's because solitude gives me more calm that the company of others,"
"Ah makes sense why you've always been a single lady then," he murmured.
I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"So you've never had anyone be affectionate towards you, never been kissed or touched by anyone,"
I paused "Not necessarily,"
He went silent and I saw him in the corner of my eye staring down at me.

"You don't have to be alone forever,"
I stopped floating and stood up and felt something snap inside me.

"Well maybe I wouldn't be alone if it wasn't for what you did,"
His face fell and felt my eyes water.
"I can never look at you without hearing their screams, why couldn't you have let me kill you so I'd not have to live with the aftermath of what you did,"

I swam to edge and climbed out the pool.
"Doll wait!"
"Stop fucking calling me that!" I yelled grabbing a deckchair and throwing it at him which he dodged and I dragged myself back up the stairs.


I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day I sat on the floor staring at the door still smelling of chlorine.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Clint's face poked in.

"A little birdy told me you might be having a bad day,"
I rolled my eyes "I'm not apologising for what I did,"
He sat on the floor next to me "I don't expect you to and if I'm honest it wouldn't suit you,"

I rubbed my eyes viciously and sighed "I don't think I can stay here any longer without tearing that assholes throat out and having you lot come down on me,"
Clint sighed and patted my shoulder "Come with me, there's someone I want you to meet,"

He dragged me from the floor it giving me a chance to reply as he walked me a couple doors down the hallway.
"She's only visiting but I feel the male testosterone might be stressing you out and she probably is the best one here to talk to,"

He pushed the door open to a woman dressed in all red.
"Mercy allow me to introduce Wanda Maximoff,"

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