Collateral Damage of Mercy

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Please bare in mind this was written after 1 hour sleep and a seven hour shift so I hope it's ok XD

I slowly opened my eyes to the wonderful sight of Bucky and being in the embrace of his arms.
I smiled at his peaceful face and the slow moving of his chest that reminded me of the similar comfort you would get in a rocking chair. The slow movement coaxing you into sleep.

My eyes glazed around Bucky's room it was very minimal and did look like no one had touched anything at all.
He had his record player with his battered ancient vinyl sleeves and a bookshelf with a handful of battered old books.

It reminded me of and old mans house where they never updated their technology since the good old days. He might be old at heart but nothing else about Bucky was old, trust me I checked, thoroughly.

He began to stir and I looked up and gently stroked his cheek "Morning hun," I murmured.
He slowly opened his eyes and smiled "I could get used to waking up with a beautiful woman beside me,"

I smiled and he kissed my forehead pulling me into a tighter hug. I rested my head on his chest breathing in his scent. He smelt of what I think was sandalwood or one of those other stereotypical manly smells and it made me feel so calm and happy.

"Oh I just realised," I murmured.
He stroked my back "That you have a very handsome man before you?"

I laughed "Not that, it's that you managed to sleep in your own bed and not the floor,"
He hesitated and then smiled "Yeah I guess I did, I believe that's thanks to you,"
I smiled "Well I guess I'll be beside you for a while then,"
He leaned in close "A bit longer for a while I hope," he murmured kissing me softly.

I kissed back and stroked his bare chest gently feeling every inch curve and dip of his body and every inch of his lips. His fingers tangled into my hair pulling my closer and the kiss got deeper.

We both jumped apart scared shitless.

"God dammit what do you want Sam?" Bucky yelled.
"For you two to put some pants on and get out here? Will it take a while? One of you chained up? I knew you were both into that BDSM shit," Sam yelled through the door.

"Fuck off Sam!" Bucky yelled.
"Nah I'm staying here and making sure you two hurry up,"

Bucky rolled his eyes and got up and walked to the door.
I won't deny I was watching his beautiful ass in those boxers as he walked to that door.

He opened the door and glared at Sam.
Sam looked at Bucky and at me clutching the duvet to cover myself.

"Aw, it's so cute the former psychopaths together making sweet BDSM love," he cooed.
Bucky drummed his metal hand on the doorframe "You mind not being so disrespectful to the lovely young. lady," he murmured.

Sam paused and looked between us "Sorry forgot you were all gentleman and nice and shit...occasionally, sorry Mercy,"

I nodded in acknowledgment feeling my face redden.
Bucky rubbed his eyes "Why are you here Sam?"
"Well it's a free country and there's an urgent meeting you two need to turn up for,"

Bucky sighed "Couldn't you have just said that to begin with rather than fuck around?"
"And miss the opportunity to share this beautiful moment with you both?" He said gesturing between us both.

Bucky groaned "Ok Sam you're gonna leave and we will be with you shortly," he closed the door.
"Don't you two think you've got time to get freaky you need to get out here ASAP,"

Bucky rolled his eyes and walked back to me "Sorry Doll seems our nice little moment is being cut short,"
"It's ok, we have time," I murmured leaning up and kissing his cheek.
He smiled "Yeah all the time in the world,"


Me and Bucky walked into the meeting room where Bruce, Wanda, Sam, Peter and Clint were waiting.
The tension in the room was thick and was a complete parallel to Sam's attitude a minute ago.

"Hey guys thanks for coming," Bruce murmured as we sat down.
I looked between their faces and they all looked extremely grim.

"So it seems our little argument with the assassins has got around and caught the attention of some assassin agencies and...well they're not happy,"

He directed our attention to the screen and I felt Bucky grip my hand under the table.
An audio wave appeared on the screen and the audio played out.

This message is for the Avengers, it has come to our attention that you have eliminated a large number of our employees in aid of the assassin known as Mercy.

A photo of me flashed up the screen and I felt uncomfortable. Wanda was right I really did used to have a cold lonely look in my eyes and it was unsettling.

You may or may not be aware but Mercy was hired by multiple agencies to eliminate the individual known as the Winter Soldier.

An old picture of Bucky appeared with his long hair and silver arm with the red star on it.

Many of these agencies gave an upfront payment to Mercy, an investment if you will and she agreed that if she failed to eliminate the Winter Soldier she too would have a bounty on her head to retrieve the investment back unless she completed the mission erasing the bounty on her head.

I felt Bucky's eyes staring at me and I squeezed his hand tighter.

But now it seems that you have eliminated our employees to prevent the investment from being put to right. Therefore it is my duty to inform you that bounties have placed on all the heads of the Avengers present.

I felt my heart drop as their photos appeared one by one.

Bruce Banner also known as the hulk, Clint Barton also known as Hawkeye, Sam Wilson also known as the Falcon or Captain America, Wanda Maximoff also known as the Scarlett Witch and Peter Parker also known as the Spider-Man.

I couldn't look anyone in the eye and kept my gaze fixed on the table.

It may not have to end in multiple body bags, if you give up Mercy we execute her, you remain alive and the Winter Soldiers bounty is still up for grabs, alternatively Mercy completes her original mission and eliminates the Winter Soldier meaning no one else has to die. You have two days to comply.

The room went silent I could hear my heart beat ringing through my ears and my breath increasing in speed.

"Can we not fake Bucks death or something?" Sam asked.
I sighed and Clint answered with what I was thinking "These assassins want to see the evidence, see the body and cut it up just to make sure they're not faking,"

The silence rang out again "Then kill me,"

My head snapped up to Bucky and I felt tears well up in my eyes "N-No,"

"Doll it's the only way and I bet they're gonna come back harder this time and we won't survive, I have to give my life to save all of you,"

"No Bucky! I can't! I won't! I-I need you!" I felt the tears burning down my face.

"Doll I need to pay for what I have done, it's the only way," he murmured looking down.

"But it wasn't fucking you!" I screamed smashing my fist on the table and standing up making him look up.

"The Winter Soldier did, not Bucky Barnes, Not my Bucky! This isn't your fault! It's mine! I took the job knowing the risk on my life not at the time giving a damm about yours, but I wish I didn't! I wish I always knew that but I didn't and I bought this on everyone! I refuse to let you  die because of me! You are the sweetest most loving human I've ever known Bucky Barnes and I-I can't lose you, I can't lose someone else I care for!"

I threw the chair on the floor and ran out the room tears burning down my face.

Collateral Damage (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now