Until His Last Breath

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I gasped and sat up quickly and a hand immediately pushed me back down onto the floor "Hey it's ok it's me, you had a pretty nasty blow,"
I blinked and saw the red blur next to me and my vision began to gradually settle "...Wanda?" I murmured.

She smiled and nodded "I had to get you out of there, the cost would have been too great,"
I paused and then my eyes widened and I crawled to my feet "Whoa where do you think you're going?"
I groaned as I stood and spun round looking everywhere "Where's Bucky?"

Wanda sighed "I don't know if it's a good idea to put you under that much stress,"
"Wanda! Where is he?" I shouted.
She took my hand "Honey he got hurt pretty bad, you might not want to see,"
I felt my eyes water "Where...is...he?"

She sighed and guided me by my hand and into Bruce's lab and I felt my heart drop.
Bucky, was laying on the table drenched in blood.

I let go of Wanda's hand and rushed to his side "Bucky? Can you hear me? It's me,"
His eyes slowly opened and he slowly smiled "Hi doll, glad you're ok,"

I gently kissed his forehead and gently cupped his cheeks.
I felt a tear fall down my cheek "You look like hell,"
He grinned "But still attractive to you I hope,"
I laughed and softly kissed his lips tasting the slight metallic taste of his blood.

He sighed slowly lifting his hand to touch my cheek "I wish I could have done more to save you honey,"
I shook my head "No, you've done more than enough, more than I ever needed you to do,"
He sighed staring into my eyes "God I'm so lucky I landed such a beautiful woman, at least I can die a happy man,"

"Shut up you're not gonna die," I whispered holding his flesh hand.
He gave a sad smile "Someday I really wanted to take you on that real date I promised you, maybe dinner and a movie where I'd pull a chair out for you and treat you like the gentleman I am, I'd put my arm around you in the theatre where we'd exchange kisses in the dark and I'd whisper in your ear how amazing you looked,"
I laughed and felt the tears roll down my cheek as I rubbed his hand gently with my thumb.

"Maybe one day we can see the world together, I can be super romantic and take you to Paris, where I won't be like the arms dealer because I will share all my toys with you," he murmured tracing metal hand over the scar on my face.

His hand moved to graze my thigh "I can take you to Romania where your thigh won't be on the menu this time,"
I laughed holding his metal hand.

"Mi-ar place asta,"
I would like that.

He smiled and sighed as he pulled my hands to his lips "If you wanted, I don't know if you would but honestly I did see ya getting married one day if you wanted, didn't have to be a big ceremony cause the promise we are making is the most important thing to me,"

I paused and smiled "Yes," I murmured.
He raised an eyebrow "Did we just get engaged?"
I laughed "I'm not sure myself,"

He started slowly looking round the room.
"What is it honey?" I asked.
He sighed "You need a ring I'm not half assing this, I'm a gentleman"

I felt my cheeks go scarlet and then he looked down at his dog tags and slowly took them off and put them in my hand.
"Mercy my love, will you marry me?" He asked.

I blushed and smiled putting them round my neck "Yeah, just one thing though,"
I leaned down to his ear and whispered my name.
Bucky's eyes widened and he stared at me "Oh god dammit why didn't you tell me that sooner, thats such a pretty name, I'd love to have been yelling your name when we fondued,"

I laughed and kissed his cheek "Well don't wear it out ok,"
He smiled and had a sad look in his eye "Even though you can't have kids, I was willing to find a way so we could have a family, you'd be amazing my love, an incredible mom, just promise me you won't give up on that dream when I'm gone,"

"God dammit, you're not, gonna die," I whispered kissing him with every pause.
He sighed "Honey its getting pretty ugly out there, I don't think we have a choice,"
I cupped his cheeks "Listen to me, I know a word without you would be a dark one, I know this in my heart and I can't live in it without you, I refuse,"

He stared at me as I stood back up and looked at Wanda.
She shook her head "Oh you are not going out there in your condition, no way,"
"It's only a bump on the head, I'm fine," I murmured stretching my arms out.
"That's not what I meant Mercy,"
"You think I'm gonna have a mental breakdown? Go full psycho on them cause frankly yes I really want to do that but that's not what I'm gonna do,"

Wanda tilted her head "Then what are you going to do?"
I looked back at Bucky putting my hand on his chest feeling his slowing heart beat and held back anymore tears that I had "We are gonna give them what they want, but Wanda I'm gonna need you to get something for me to do this," I murmured leaning down stroking Bucky's face as he smiled at me.

"I don't know if it will but this might hurt my love, do you trust me?" I murmured.
He smiled as he twirled my hair round his fingers "I'll trust you till the end of the line doll," he murmured.
I kissed him one last time feeling the tears pour down my face.

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