Entry 12 ~Germany~

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Hello Diary,

I know I haven't written in a long time. I've been wandering around England some more and found that I needed to check out Germany. So here I am in Germany looking to find the myths of a Blutsauger or Bloodsucker. I never wanted this life for myself knowing that I would never die. I am finding it interesting to find what others think of us all over the world. I am from the Amazons as you know so finding what the Europeans think of what I am is quite interesting. Most Vampire myths come from villages in which they were vampires were reportedly spotted. I will be going to some of the reported sights. My travels start in Northern Germany, Hamburg is the first stop.


I've traveled into the busy town of Hamburg. It's a quiet little town. I stayed to watch the festival in which there was a display of music and various arts. As I try to find information on the Blutsauger I find it hard. They don't have a lot of information and villagers are unwilling to help here. I had a lot more fun in England.


An amazing city with rich culture and Art. I decided to hit the small library and see what one could find on Blutsaugers. What I have found is they travel by night and they feast on relatives. Not a lot is known about vampires in Germany. But it is enough to scare the children from what I hear. German children hear the stories of the blutsauger to make them afraid of the dark. Here is a notable story that I have heard.

A nigh time tale.

At night there are pale men who come out of the holes and they travel around graveyards and villages looking for people to prey on. They will usually look for relatives and try sucking the blood from them. If children go out to play at night they should never be alone or hiding somewhere because a blutsauger is never far away. For many years people have hunted them down. It is hard to kill a blutsauger. Children should be afraid to go out at night. Also never leave your child with a stranger and never let a stranger in the house.

In der Nacht gibt es blasse Männer, die kommen von den Löchern, und sie reisen um Friedhöfe und Dörfer suchen Leute, die Beute auf. Sie werden in der Regel für realtiv schauen und versuchen saugen das Blut von ihnen. Wenn die Kinder gehen in der Nacht sollten sie nie allein oder versteckt sich irgendwo spielen, da ein Blutsauger ist nie weit entfernt. Seit vielen Jahren Menschen haben sie gejagt. Es ist schwer, ein Blutsauger zu töten. Kinder sollten Angst haben, abends auszugehen. Auch Lassen Sie Ihr Kind mit einem Fremden und ließ nie einen Fremden im Haus.

It's a short story that I have heard some people tell their children. I've translated the story in German for people.

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