Entry 10

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Author's Note: We are two entries away from the ending of what I have so far. Didn't think I'd have to write so soon.

Dear Diary,

I feel like I am in a daze. I don't know what to do with free time. I paint, I read and I just don't ever know what to write. I like writing, don't get me wrong I really do. It's hard to find a space I can call my own and have a peaceful moment. I keep up with painting but because it usually got messy. I decided to go into drawing charcoal and other stuff. I like music. I practice my voice by singing with locals learning their songs, quite easy. I miss my adoptive sister Menna. I hope she’s ok for now. Someday soon I will check on her. In one city they almost found out that I was a vampire. I was almost killed. So I had to be on the down-low. I couldn't let them figure me out. I had to run. I had to kill some people who got in my way. It was the only way to survive. So at some points I've had to run. I've now traveled closer to the American border. Why you ask? Well because I've wanted to talk to some of the other vampires and see what was going on. I had been hearing about a lot of deaths on the American border. You know what it was a small coven of vampires who were causing trouble. They were preying on all kinds of people. Some were old people, some young children and just a couple of babies. I have heard stories of what would happen if a vampire created a baby vampire. I was scared. So I went to seek them out and tried to talk them to them about my experiences but they didn't listen. I tried. So I took out a couple of Volturi. I had heard that they were going to investigate what was going on. So I went to talk to them by telling them my story and how I tried to help this troubled coven they thanked me and went there way. I of course didn't want to be around when they went to talk to the troubled coven. I've been living in the U.S.A. until the troubles in the south calm down. I've gone to Alabama and close by there. I like the warm weather so I try to stay close to borders. Sometimes I get disoriented and forget who I am and what I am. I don't know how I do that. It's difficult to go on like that. I forget where I am and I don't know what I am doing it’s hard. I read a wide variety of things. I read newspapers for suspicious deaths, I read local news and I read a variety of other interesting books to occupy myself. Next I want to travel not just in America. I want to travel across the sea. Off to Europe I go. I'll write about where I ended up next time.

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