Chapter 11 [The Truth Untold]

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Yuri came onto the porch and sat beside Mr. Kim she looked at her Appa who was always being a  hero for her "so how he could be responsible for anyone's death why Jimin hated him so much" her heart was asking so many questions from her however today she was going to know the truth as Mr. Kim was ready to tell her what exactly happened in the past.

Mr. Kim Pov:

It was April 2010 when that killer appeared in that town he only appeared in nights killed the person and left a hammer as a mark people were scared because he had killed almost 12 people in just month police were clueless about him nobody knew who was he and why he was killing people mercilessly I was working on that case it was important for me not just because he was a serial killer for me that case was a pass to my promotion so I was desperately working on it soon I found out that the killer constantly visiting Mr. Park Su Young Jimin's father.,
Mr. Park Su Young was a metal Worker he was the one who was providing hammers to him even after knowing that he's using this hammer in the murder he was a suspect for police but before we could be caught him he ran away from the town police was finding him so was me, I was pissed off because I couldn't found any clue about Mr. Park I thought as her wife she would helping him in hiding from the police I was boiling with anger all I thinking was to catch him as he was the only key to that killer so I raided their home.,
Is till remember that night.,
I knocked on the door with my all power Mrs. Park quickly opened it she got surprised as she saw me.,
Oh, Mr. Kim please come inside... Mrs. Park said.,
Check every corner of the house... I entered the house and ordered to my team.,
Mrs. Park was looking confused.,
Did something happen? Mrs. Park asked me shockingly
Where is your husband? I asked her.,
He should be at his workshop.. why what happened? Now she started to get worried.,
That bastard is involved with murder now he ran away...I replied her
What... can't be possible... Mrs. Park said.,
The uncertainty was clearly shown on her face as her husband was a common family man who was quiet and introverted so believing in the words she was listening from me was hard to believe for her
He's the one who's selling his hammers to the killer...I told her,
Mrs. Park was still not able to believe
I came into the living room where the little jimin was standing on the chair probably it was his birthday he was looking scared staring at the strangers who were carelessly ruining his birthday party.
Appa can't do anything wrong., Jisung said in anger who was looking around 18 years old.
Your appa is responsible for so many deaths... I grabbed his collar and screamed,
Jimin quickly came close to me grabbed my pant with his tiny hands
Leave my hyung., He said.,
I left him and knelt on the floor squished his chubby cheeks and asked him.,
Do you know where he's hiding? I asked him
He started to cry as my grip was so tight and I was angry so he would be scared of me
Mrs. Park quickly came and pulled Jimin towards her she hugged him and covered Jisung with her other hand.,
Mr. Kim, we're neighbors for years at least don't treat my kids like this., Mrs. Park said in anger
If I had to know your husband is a criminal I would shoot you all in our first meeting., I said to her.,
Stop calling him a criminal...Mrs. Park yelled at me.,
Sir nothing worthy is here I think we should leave.,one of my officers told me.,
Ok, let's go take her with us...I looked at her and ordered to my team.,
But sir we don't have any warrant against her we can't take her like this., Another officer told  me.,
Yaa doesn't tell me what should I do or not just do as I say...I yelled at my team and walked towards the door.,
No... I can't leave my kids are alone you know that killer could appear at any time., please leave me I don't know where he's is.,.Mrs. Park was begging...
If something happened to your kids so it would be karma for your husband., I said and smirked .,
How can you say this you're also a father, Mrs. Park looked at me and said.,
I ignored her and came out of her house while my team brought her with them,
I saw back they both were crying holding her Eomma's hand
You're my brave kids don't get afraid of anything I'll be back soon., Jisung you're the older one so take care of your brother..okay?and lock the door shut every window and don't open the door until I come... Mrs. Park suggested them and came with us left her kids alone in home.,
I brought her to the interrogation room.,
Where is your husband? I asked her.,
I told you I don't know please let me go my kids are alone at home...Mrs. Park replied to me with her teary eyes
When was the last time you have seen your husband., I asked her
Early in the morning at 8 o clock.,she replied to me.
Did he call you.,I asked her
No..she replied to me
For hours I asked her so many questions regarding her husband and she answered me I was treating her like a criminal crossing my limits and she was crying begging for go back to her home.,
Finally, my senior officer came into the interrogation room my teammates informed him about my action
Why you brought her here.,he asked me with a high rage of anger
Her husband is supporting that killer who is responsible for multiple deaths isn't this enough.,I replied to him.,
we can't punish her for her husband's sins moreover we don't have any proof yet so who permit you to do this?? let her go., he yelled at me.,
Do you still wanna proof? I yelled back.,
It's proved her husband was selling the hammers to him I've   but rather than telling us he kept his mouth shut and you still wanna proof., I said in one breath
But it doesn't make her a criminal., he said.,
I know but when he'll find out his family is suffering he would visit them and we'll catch him at the moment.,I told him about my plan.,
how mean you're.. you're using innocent people for your own sake.,he replied.,
After listening to him I got more hyper I threw a chair on the wall...
I'm just doing my duty as an officer.,I replied to him.,
No...I know you for years you're doing this because you want promotion you know you can't catch that killer so easily so you need somebody for blame you will catch Park so young and present him as a killer in front of the world.,the senior officer exposed my plan in front of Mrs. Park.
I didn't you can go this far...Mrs. Park looked at him in anger and said.,
So what if I'll present him as a killer after he's the same as him., I replied
You can't change...I shouldn't handle this case to you...the officer replied to me.,

Mrs. Park, I'm sorry on behalf of him you can go now..he apologized and bowed her  down.,
But it doesn't mean your husband is innocent he's still a suspect for us..he resumed.
Yes...Mrs. Park nodded her head and left.,
How do you know about my plan.,I asked him
I was eyeing you since the day you got this case., he replied to me and  then he left.,
I came back to my home I was so angry as my plan got failed I  drink for the entire night, however, the Next morning brought another dead the killer again appeared at night and killed someone I reached the location and got shocked it was Mrs. Park's home other police  officer was already there I entered in the house with my heavy heart and I got shocked as I  saw Jisung's body on the floor Mrs. Park was crying her heart out and jimin was stuck to her his eyes were swelled he had blood stained on his hands
When did it happen? I asked my junior officer.,
In between 12 to 3 o'clock when you were interrogating Mrs. Park.,
I covered my face with my hand and sat on the couch.,
Why did you come back you're responsible for this...I was begging you but you didn't listen to me...Mrs. Park yelled while crying her heart out.,

After that incident that killer got disappeared along with Mr. Park police couldn't find them and  I couldn't sleep in peace since then whenever I closed my eyes I always saw Jisung's face the same year your Eomma died in a car accident she always tried to stop me but I've never listened to her after her death I've realized how they would have been feeling after losing thier love one I felt God punished me for whatever I've done with them

Author Pov;
Mr. Kim became silent as he had no words for talking anymore while Yuri was shocked looking at him with tears in her eyes.,
I know I've done a very big mistake., Mr. Kim said
It's not a's called selfishness., Yuri said.,
You're equally responsible for Jisung's like that killer., you ruined Jimin's wasn't a mistake..she yelled in her shivering voice
For the first time, Mr. Kim saw hate for himself in Yuri's eyes however he didn't say anything as he was considering this as his punishment while Yuri came into her room locked the door, and started to cry.

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