Chapter 14 [an unfulfilled dream]

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             After three days

Author's PoV

Jimin was sitting in the doctor's office he was trembling his leg as it's was his First meeting with Dr Hyunsik so he was nervous.,

Finally Dr Hyunsik came into the office and sat on his chair.,

So jimin how's you doing? Dr Hyunsik formally asked him
If I'd be fine so I wouldn't be here..jimin replied him.,

Dr Hyunsik looked at him and observed how miserable he was.,

Ok as it's our first meeting so let get comfortable First,tell me anything about yourself..your hobbies..what you likes and dislikes.,Dr Hyunsik asked him
I don't have any hobbies until two years ago I was in mental hospital I've never got a chance to think about my dreams and hobbies...jimin replied him

Dr Hyunsik felt pity for him

Ok so let's think now...Dr Hyunsik said
Your Eomma told me you're good at drawings so make me a beautiful scenery.,he resumed.,
Okay.. jimin nodded his head.,
Can I go now.. Jimin asked him.,
Yes.,Dr Hyunsik let him go then he called Mrs Park in his office
Did he talk with you.,Mrs Park asked him
No I didn't asked to many questions he need his time to get comfortable with me..,Dr Hyunsik replied her
Dr can I asked you a question..mrs Park said.,
Yes.. of course..Dr Hyunsik replied her.,
would he ever be able to live a normal life?Mrs Park asked him

After a few minutes of silence he started to speak

I can't say anything at this moment as you told that the killer is back so I'm worried how he will react but let's hope for the best and let's start his medication..Dr Hyunsik said.,
Mrs Park nodded her she had realized Dr Hyunsik isn't positive about Jimin so she preferred to keep quiet

Yuri and Jimin were sitting in the garden jimin was looking sad she hold his hand and looked at him

Are you okay??she asked him
No..I'm not okay..jimin replied her without making any eye contact with her
I've spent years in mental hospital and those were most painful days of my life everyday was like a hell for me and now I feel I'm getting my old self I..I don't wanna be old self again..Jimin said with his shivering voice
You won't...Yuri replied him
How can you surely say this?jimin asked her
Because I'm with you and I'll always be with you whenever you'll get scared I'll hug you and kiss you..Yuri said And kissed on his chubby cheeks

Jimin looked at her and smiled then he kissed on her hand Yuri put her head on his shoulder

You're the best thing ever happened in my life.,Jimin said
Oh really..Yuri asked him
Yes..jimin replied her
And I've never meet a innocent person like you..Yuri said..
Jimin looked at her with the deep love in his eyes..
Jiminah..Can I call you chimmy? Yuri asked him.,
Chimmy...what's kind of name it is.. Jimin pouted
It's suit on you.. because you have these chubby cheeks.,Yuri said and squish his chubby cheeks.,
While jimin was getting shy.,
Ya don't treat me like a kid.,jimin said and smiled
But your cheeks are so chubby like a kid.,Yuri said and patted his head
I also have a Nickname for you..jimin said
Oh really..what is it? Yuri asked him
Kiyomi(Cutie)..jimin said.,
what kind of nickname it is??Yuri pouted..and tried to copy him
Yaa why you're copying me?? Jimin cutely asked her..,
Because you're so adorable..Yuri pinch his nose...and said
I chose this name Because it's suits on're cute you have big round eyes..wait you have also chubby cheeks jimin said and cupped her face.,
Let's go jimin...Mrs Park interrupted them.,
And the quickly detached each other

Ok Eomma..jimin said and went towards the car

While Yuri was waiting for Mrs Park

Mrs Park I have a favor ask you..Yuri said while walking with her
What..Mrs Park asked her curiously.,
Can I bring him out.. yuri asked her
No..Not at all..i can't risk his life....Mrs Park disagreed with her
But we can't restrain him in home..Yuri objectified
His fear will get more increase...Yuri resumed.,
How can I allow him to go outside while I know that killer can appeared at anytime.,Mrs Park said.,
don't you think it's unfair with him...Yuri said
He have spent years in hospital I just wanna show him how beautiful this world is.. I wanna make him smile.. Yuri pleaded her
Okay.. but come before the night... And take my car...Mrs Park got agreed
Thank you so much.. Yuri jumped in happiness and hugged her Mrs Park hugged her back then Yuri took her car keys and came towards the car

Where is Eomma.. Jimin asked her surprisingly.,
She went home., Yuri replied him
where are we going? Jimin asked her
We're going to hangout.. Yuri told him and smiled she was looking so excited

However Jimin suddenly got sad

What happened? Aren't you happy?Yuri asked him
I'm..I'm so happy..jimin said
Then why you're looking so sad?Yuri asked him
I've never hangs out before..jimin told her while looking towards his hand

Yuri looked at him with sorrowful eyes..,

Since now we'll hangout once in a week..okay..Yuri said
Okay..jimin nodded his head
Now give me a smile...Yuri said..

Jimin smiled but Yuri could see the gloom hidden behind his smile however for lighten up the atmosphere she turned on the music..

So jimin tell me Where you wanna go?Yuri asked him while starting the car
I don't know I didn't think about it..Jimin Replied her
Oh you ever dreamed about anything..Yuri asked him
Yes..when I was a kid I wanted to be a was my biggest dream...jimin told her
Oh really..Yuri asked her surprisingly
Yes..I used to go in karaoke bars with Hyung...jimin told her

After talking about his hyung he got even more sad However he looked at Yuri's face who was trying to make him happy so he quickly whipped his tears and brought a smile on his face

Jimin you don't have to hide your tears in front of me..,Yuri said
What..I..I'm not crying..jimin said
Jiminah I'm your best friend so share your every feeling with me..Yuri said
You're not my best friend...jimin said
What...Yuri got surprised
You're more than a friend...jimin told her and give her a warm smile

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