chapter 16 [Silent Before The Storm]

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Author's PoV

It's been almost one and a half months and Mrs Park had forgotten about that man who had appeared at that night as nothing happened after that night so she was satisfied she also had forgotten about Dr Do min Seok's murder .,

While Jimin had started to live his life without any fear like a normal person he was getting  weekly  counseling and also he was attending the art classes as Dr Hyunsik recommended him the most important thing had happened in his life was Yuri she had became his habit now he couldn't live without seeing her even for a single day Yuri who had brought a huge change in his life mostly spends her time with jimin they both were madly in love with each other Mr Kim who was against of her decision earlier now had accepted that he can't stopped Yuri so he promised her to safe jimin at any cost after all his daughter was more important than his ego so he was working on this case more passionately 

Mr Kim was working on day and night in order to find that man who had appeared at that night.,

He had two questions in his mind

“Is that killer really came back if yes so why?
Second is he the same killer or he's somebody else who was using the same pattern?”

However he was still unable to find the answers because according to the previous record he had killed more than 12 person in a month now after dr Do min Seok's murder nothing had happened  and the police in seoul was still clueless about Dr Do Min Seok's murder so he couldn't predict anything so he was even more worried specially about jimin however after trying so hard Mr Kim finally found Dr Do Min Seok's daughter  who was in mental hospital after being a witness of the murder she was in Shocked so she couldn't tell anything yet., But Mr Kim was determined to meet her so he went to seoul for talking with her.,

Jimin was freezing in frosty air as he was waiting for Yuri outside of her college today he took off from his classes so he decided to pick up Yuri he had brought bongeoppang with him which he had bought in his way to the college after waiting for almost one hour Yuri finally came out however her tired expressions suddenly changed into the excited one as she saw jimin.,

Oh chimmy..she shouted his name and shook her hand then she ran towards him

A big smile came on his face after seeing her.,

Ya I'm waiting for you since an hour...jimin said

Oh really...Yuri asked him uncertainly
Yes jimin replied her.,

Didn't you go for you classes..she asked him
No I took off I thought I should picked you.,jimin said
Awww how sweet...Yuri cupped his face and said.,
Oh wait I've brought you this..jimin gave her bongeoppang...
Ahhh I'm so hungry..Yuri replied him and took the snack from jimin

She couldn't stop herself from gushing over him because of his sweet gesture.,

Jiminah you're so sweet..Yuri hugged him and said.,

While Jimin was blushing..

Yaa people are watching us..jimin said hesitantly.,
I know but I wanna show them how sweet my boyfriend is..Yuri hold his hand and said.,

Boyfriend..??jimin asked her surprisingly.,
Yes boyfriend.,look we know each other since more than a month and we also kissed each other so technically we're in a relationship., aren't we?Yuri said and looked at him
Of course we've changed my life.,Jimin said and patted her head have her a warm  smile

So do you have any plans.,Yuri asked him

I was thinking about to find a suitable job for me.,jimin said
Why so suddenly? Yuri asked him
Because I want to help Eomma...since years she's taking care of me now I wanna take care of her.,jimin said.,
It's so good you should help her.yuri said
Ya old lady runs a small cafe she needs a helper why don't you apply there.,Yuri suggested him
Where is that cafe..jimin asked her.,
Across the road...Yuri told him.,
I oftenly visit that cafe.. she resumed
Oh really..Jimi asked her
Yes..Yuri replied him.,
She's all alone..she really need help.,Yuri said
Okay let's go.,jimin replied him

As the cafe wasn't so far so they quickly reached there they entered into the cafe and approached the old lady who was busy in work.,
Halmoni...Yuri called her.,
Aaahh Yuri..what do you want..the old lady asked her
No..I don't want anything.. actually I've brought my friend to help you...Yuri told her
He's jimin and he need a job so I've brought him here..yuri said

Jimin who was silently standing with her bowed her down.,

park jimin.. that little kid who used to come with his hyung....the old lady asked him.,

Jimin got surprised..

Oh you still remembered...Jimin Asked her
How can I forget you..the old lady replied him
Do you know each other...Yuri interrupted them
Yes.. he used to come here daily with his hyung..the old lady told her.,

Yuri noticed that Jimin's expression suddenly got changed as he heard about the  the old memory of his hyung

My heart got broken in pieces when I had heard about his death.,oh that sweet little boyhow painfully he died..,the old lady said and sighed in pain.,

Halmoni would like to talk about the salary..Yuri quickly interrupted the old lady as for the changing the topic

Then she hold Jimin's hand as she noticed that jimin is getting uncomfortable

No I don't need any help now..the old replied him.,
Why?Yuri asked her.,
Because this town is in danger again..The old lady said.,
halmoni why you're saying this?Jimin asked her shockingly.,
Don't you know that killer is back  and killed Dr Do min Seok..The old lady told him.,

Jimin got shocked he couldn't believe whatever that old lady was saying.,

Dd.. doctor do mm..min seok..he murdered? When?Jimin asked her uncertainly
Two months ago...the old lady told him.,

I think you're mistaken halmoni..I think someone else killed him.. Yuri tried to control the situation

No..I can't be wrong Dr Do min seok got murdered exactly like the townies got murdered 10 years ago... That killer killed him with the hammer and left it for a mark The old lady replied her
He will kill us all...the old lady said while crying.,

Nothing wrong will happen police will catch him soon.,Yuri said

Police didn't caught him since 10 years now how will catch him now..,he already killed my daughter but I can't loose my Grand daughter that's why I'm leaving this town you guys also should leave this town  he will kill all of you..the old lady said and went into the kitchen she was  yelling only one thing

"Leave that town before he killed you '

While jimin was traumatized he was freezed in fear he remembered when he wanted to go to Dr Do min Seok for his treatment but his Eomma told him that he left the country and since then he didn't listen any  news about him.,

Eomma lied to me.
She knew about the killer but she didn't tell me..jimin said and knelt down on the floor.,

Jimin she didn't tell you because she knew you'll get upset.,Yuri told him,
What you also knew everything..jimin shockingly asked her
Yes..we were only trying to protect you... Yuri said.,

He started to breathing heavily his heartbeat was getting increased and he was sweating he was feeling a sharp pain In his chest like he would felt before as the flashes of the past were covering his mind  however the sudden thought of her Eomma made him even more frightened

Eomma she..she's alone at him let's go Yuri we need to leave Eomma is alone at home....jimin said in his shivering voice.,

Okay let's go...Yuri replied him

Jimin was extremely afraid of that killer  he wasn't able to think about anything else except that killer who could appeared at anytime he called a cab and sat with Yuri who was constantly holding his hand however the fear of his loosing his love ones was getting increased at every second.

 The Fear [ Park Jimin AU]Where stories live. Discover now