Chapter 18 [Facing The fear]

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Jimin and  Yuri slowly stepped forward holding each other's hand,the door was already opened which increased the doubts in his mind while Yuri  tightened her gripped though she was also afraid however she was pretending to be strong in front of jimin slowly they stepped inside the house the lights were off jimin took his phone out but the battery was dead

Yuri do you have your phone., he asked her
My battery is dead too.. Yuri replied him.,
Eomma... Eomma.. he called Mrs Park but she didn't said anything
Maybe she's not at home.. Yuri said...
Yes I think she's not at home.. jimin said in his shivering voice
Let's get inside and light up the candles.. Yuri said.,
Jimin nodded his head and they went towards the kitchen while holding each other's hand

Yuri lighted up the candles and gave to him

Are you ok.. Yuri asked him.,
I don't think he's fine... Am I right jimin a heavy manly voice said.,

Jimin got traumatized..
is he getting hallucinations or is it a reality..he couldn't understand  he knelt down on the floor he put his hand on his chest as he was feeling a pain and he started to having flashes  he couldn't breath properly he was getting panicked Yuri was also afraid she couldn't understand what she should do..

Jimin lets run... Yuri screamed..

Jimin looked at her uncertainly he had realized that he's not hallucinating he's facing the reality.,the reality which he was afraid of he looked at the killer which was slowly getting close to them he tried to get up however he was freezed in fear

Jiminah let's go from here or he will kill us... Yuri said
But jimin didn't replied he was to afraid for saying something as the killer was standing just few centimeters away from them he hold yuri's hair and threw away towards the dining table yuri's head got hit by the table and she passed out while jimin was trying to move but he couldn't do anything he wanted to screamed but his voice was stuck n his throat he remembered when he was killing his hyung and he was helplessly looking at him from down to the bed like he was looking at Yuri the killer hold him from his hair and made him got up then he pushed him to the wall  he squished his chubby cheeks the gripped was to tight that he felt a sharp pain in jaw

It's been a long time Jimin...the killer said
Jimin tried to free himself from that killer but the killer was way more powerful than him he was 6 feet tall with a heavy body jimin couldn't fight with him as he was to weak moreover he was  on the edge of his fear 
The killer threw him towards the living room then he started to kicking him on his stomach he was beating him constantly and jimin was helplessly getting beat
After kicking the last time he finally stopped jimin put his hand on his stomach as he feeling the unbearable pain he was coughing insanely..,

Do you know you have waste my 10 years because I was finding you... The killer said and again kicked him this time oh his back...
Aaahh... Arrrghh.. jimin moaned in pain
Then the killer hold him from his hair again and threw him to the glass  table jimin got bruises on his face and his head was bleeding as it was badly injured then the killer hold his leg and started to dragging him towards the steps

Yuri slowly opened her eyes and looked at jimin who needed help she tried to get up but her head was spinning however she gathered up all the energy and get up but she couldn't understand what she should do she looked around the house but nothing was there which could help her suddenly she noticed Mrs Park phone which was putting on the dining table she quickly took the phone and called the police.,

The killer brought him in the same room where he had killed Jimin's  hyung but jimin couldn't opened his eyes properly as his every bone was feeling a sharp pain after getting dragged like an animal
Opened your eyes and Looked at this place... The killer shook  his face

Jimin opened his eyes and looked around the room he got memory of his hyung when he was hidden down the bed and his hyung was looking at him telling him that he saved him while jimin was sobbing in pain..

He looked around the room the candles were lighten up already...

I lighten up the candles for you because I wanted to kill you in this room.,killer said

What... What did you do with Eomma.. jimin finally asked him
Ahh nice question... But let me tell you what I did with your Appa..  killer said and gave a devilish laugh and sat on the chair

While jimin who was laying down on the floor got shocked as in  his all  life he was believing that his appa left them because he was afraid of the police however the truth was different

I used to buy these hammer fron him but one day he decided to go to the police and do you know what I did to him.,The killer said.,

I cut him in pieces and threw in the woods..ahhh I can't forget the smell of his blood.,he said and again gave a devilish laugh

Jimin burst in tears he got up and picked the Vase and threw it on him

Why you did this to my family whyyy??? He screamed

The killer got more angry he came close to him and punched on his face then he threw him on the mirror jimin was even got more injured he fell down on the floor he started to having hallucinations he imagining his hyung for the very first time he was imagining his appa..

Appa..he murmured...
The tears was falling down from his eyes and at this moment he was thinking about his Eomma.,

At least tell me about what you did with her..,jimin asked him.,
I killed her too.,jimin was to tired for bursting in tears However he thought this is the last way to getting reunite with his family the killer took out the hammer jimin looked at him and then he closed his eyes but he heard some weirded noise he opened his eyes and saw the killer was laying down on the floor and moaning in pain and Yuri was standing with the hammer after calling the police she found the hammer and attacked on his back for stoping him then she attacked on his right leg the killer
Was writhing the agony of pain

Please don't do this to me please...the killer started to beg...
Why you killed so many people now you're begging...Yuri said

She attacked again this time on his hand then she threw it away and came to jimin

Jiminah get up...get up please....Yuri said while crying
Jimin was feeling to weak..he had no energy left to get up.,

He..he killed her too...jimin said and burst in tears...
He killed my Eomma...he was constantly saying..
Jimin he's trying to get up..he will kill me please get up...Yuri said  she was frightened crying in pain and trying to convinced jimin to leave this place.,
Jimin looked at her and tried to get up while Yuri helped him she put his hand around her neck as jimin wasn't able to walk on his own then they both slowly walk down through the steps they both came out of the house then they saw the police who had finally arrived
Jimin looked police has arrived.. Yuri said.,
It's too late.. he said and knelt down on the ground then he bursted in tears

He cried his lungs out even he passed out the ambulance took them to the hospital and after 10 years police finally caught that killer.,


after getting treatment for a few days the killer was transferred to the jail and now Mr Kim was sitting in front of him for interrogation

First Mr kim punched him on his face then he hold his hair and asked him ,
Why you killed so many people..he yelled and punched him again.,

The killer gave a devilish laugh

Because I enjoy when people cry in pain when they beg me and I like the smell of blood.., I enjoy thier suffering., The killer said and laughed again
You crazy jerk how can you do this Mr Kim attacked on him and started to beat him but the killer was laughing however the other officers stopped him and took him out if the room.
After a few minutes Mr Kim got calmed..,
His reports are ready a psychiatrist tested him he told me that he's a psycho who have no emotions and enjoy other's pain..the junior officer told him.,
That crazy Bastard is deserve to die...Mr Kim said.,
The case got solved after years the killer got a life time prison but after getting attacked on his back by Yuri he wasn't able to walk however Yuri got no charges as the attack was for her defense.

 The Fear [ Park Jimin AU]Where stories live. Discover now