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//before this starts I have to explain, I am very new to this ship and currently going through their moments and streams. I may shorten 5uppps name to Five or something like that so don't get confused pls lol. Fundy is CANONICALLY Trans so he will be trans in this story. If I overstep ANY boundaries please let me know and I will edit it! Also fundy is 18 in this story and NO NSFW, Five will be 20 :) don't ask why just enjoy pog//


Nothing out of the ordinary was happening on Thursday, May 4th of 2021. At least not to Fundy. He was doing what he always did, wandering through the forest in an attempt to get away from his life. He had a special place, made by him, that he went to when he just wanted to relax. To forget the war and the stupid arguments that never ceased. A place only he knew about....or so he thought. Imagine his surprise when he spotted a boy sitting among the orange pillows Fundy had set out, book in his hands as his eyes raked over the pages. A twig snapped from under his foot and Fundy quickly ran behind a tree. He could hear the book snapping closed and the sound of the boy standing. "Hello?" He called. His voice was deep, and throaty as if he hadn't used it much. Not deeper than corpse's though, thankfully. Fundy held his breath as he peeked from behind the tree, staring at the boy. He was pale and his hair was white with..green leaves? Was that a hat? He couldn't tell from his spot. The boy looked around, his goggles shading his eyes so Fundy couldn't tell exactly where he was looking. 


The boy disappeared from Fundy's sight and he sighed in relief, maybe he had finally gone home- "HEY!" He yelped as hands grabbed his shoulders and dragged him away from the tree. "Why are you spying on me?" Asked the boy sternly "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just saw you in my spot and I-" The boy let go "Oh...I didn't know-" Fundy went red "No no no it's fine I don't really mind I just didn't expect anyone to know where this place was..." Fundy smiled awkwardly and shifted his eyes around them. Anything to avoid looking at the boy he had just got caught stalking. "...well are you going to tell me your name?" Asked the boy "What? No! Why would I?" Fundy asked in disbelief "Well you owe it to me, you did just stalk me...so?" The boy waited so Fundy caved "Okay...Well um..it's nothing special really," Lie, he had loved this name. It was the one he and Wilbur had chosen so long ago..when Fundy had first came out. "It's just Fundy..." the boy smiled "Fundy? Sounds like a fun name. It's cool" Fundy smiled at his feet "Yeah...Can I ask what yours is?" He questioned "Sure...Five uppp" Fundy stared at him "Five? As in the..the number?" "Yep!" The boy turned away from Fundy and headed to the pillows and the "fort" Fundy had made, reaching down to pick up...a mask helmet? "What's that?" Fundy asked "Oh...Its my mask" Five said calmly as he lifted it and placed it over his head, concealing his head entirely so fundy could only see..the mask. "Is that an Onion?" "...Maybe" Five shrugged playfully before he started past Fundy. "wait! Are you leaving?" Fundy asked "Yeah..." Five turned "But if you want I can come back another time...Tomorrow?" "Yes! That would be great! I mean...cool" Fundy stammered. He was excited to have made a new friend. "Cool..." Five laughed "See you then, Fundy" The name just slipped past the brunette's lips, and Fundy couldn't help but smile "Right...See you..Five" He responded. They waved as Five bounded further into the woods, his scarf flowing behind him before he fully disappeared from sight.   

Fundy couldn't wait to see his friend again.

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