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"Fundy? Where are you going?" The sweet voice that belonged to Sally, Fundy's beautiful mother, flowed through the fox boy's ears. "Oh...i'm going to see a friend" Fundy responded. Sally turned to her son and smiled at him "A friend? What's their name?" she asked. "Uh...Lukas" Fundy blurted, it was a small lie but Fundy had never lied. Not to Sally at least. He watched the proud smile that found its way onto her face as she brushed back a strand of her orange curls. "I see, Well I'm glad you're making friends...just don't forget your poor old mum" She hummed. Fundy smiled and made his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her fragile frame. "I could never" He assured with a laugh. he felt her squeeze him, just slightly, before she let him go. "Well...be back before dinner okay?" She said "Okay, love you mom" Fundy called as he pulled on his usual jacket and left the house.


His shoes snapped the twigs carelessly as he rushed through the forest, swiftly dodging trees as he passed. He knew this area well. He caught sight of the familier area, Orange pillows, white sheets hung up like a tent, and small torches that Fundy hadn't placed. He smiled as he slowed to a stop by the tree he had hidden behind the day before. There in the tent lay Five, his eyes concentrated on a book, and beside him lay his mask. "Five!" Fundy called excitedly, his new friend turned and a smile formed on the boy's face. He stood up and closed his book "Fundy!" He welcomed with just as much enthusiasm. "You actually came..." Fundy said, a little shocked. "Of course I did! Why do you seem so shocked?" Five asked with a small laugh "well...I guess I'm used to people breaking promises" Fundy responded. The silence that followed caused his heart to quicken, there he goes making things seem sad. He was already making Five uncomfortable! He mentally slapped himself as he tried to backtrack "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable it just slipped out-" "Oh! It's fine really! I don't mind...I know how you feel" Five said moving to give Fundy a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder "But I don't break promises, so you won't have to worry about that" He assured Fundy, and though the fox boy was reluctant to believe him he nodded. "Okay..." "Here, sit I brought lunch!" 


"Wait so...it's not an onion?" Fundy asked incredulous as he stared at the helmet mask thing Five had shown him "Nope, it's a radish" Five said with a small laugh "A radish? Why a radish?" Fundy asked as he took another bite of the tuna sandwich Five had packed for him. How he knew Fundy liked Fish, that remained a secret that Fundy refused to push. "Well..I dunno i like it. It looks cool don't you think?" Five asked as he placed it on his head. "Very cool" Fundy agreed with a nod as he smiled. "So why do you come here so often?" Asked Five "...My dad I guess" Fundy responded honestly "He's...He's overbearing I guess. He's a good dad, don't get me wrong, but..he loves his nation more than me...at least that's how I feel" Fundy wanted to kick himself, he had just made this friend why was he suddenly being so honest? he was hardly honest to his "Other Friends" back home. "His nation?" Five questioned "Oh...um" Fundy hesitated, he wanted to lie...to say his dad was just another soldier who fought for L'manburg...but like his mother, He couldn't seem to lie directly to Five's face...at least not about something this big. "He built L'manburg...he's the founder I guess" He mumbled. Five nodded "Okay..." He could read Fundy like a book, and it was easy to see he didn't want to talk about his father so Five changed the subject. "Do you like to read?" "Not really...I do sometimes but most of the time I like to pull pranks.." "Pranks? Like what?" "Well my friend Ranboo, he's like a brother to me, I like to put pins on his chairs. He has a bad memory so he never stays mad, though my mother used to scold me when we were little...she thought I was taking advantage of his memory problem though Ranboo told her he didn't really mind and usually found the pranks funny so she lets them slide...but now he doesn't really have time to hang out anymore so I come here...to think mostly" Five smiled "Your a thinker then?" He asked "I guess so...though it's not really deep thoughts. I just think about what it would be like if L'manburg stood for what my father built it to stand for" "And what's that?" Five asked, his attention fully on Fundy's answer. "Kindness...to speak not to fight. A nation ruled by words, kindness, and Honesty." Fundy recited what his father used to tell him as a child. He remembered those nights so long ago when Wilbur had time for him, and would set him on his lap and tell him about L'manburg, and what he planned for it to become. His mother would find Fundy, sitting on his sleeping father's lap, and she would pick him up, rubbing his back to soothe him to sleep, and gently she would whisper in his ear "My son you are the pride of our nation, You are mummy and Daddy's pride.." and she would continue until he was asleep. He smiled at the memory until he felt a flick on his forehead "ow!" He cried "Where'd you go?" Asked Five with a smile "Oh...I was remembering when I was a kid...My dad would tell me so many stories about L'manburg...and when he fell asleep my mom would carry me to bed and whisper that..." He went red and looked away, embarrassed. "She would tell you what?" Five urged eagerly "Well...she would tell me I was the pride of their nation...as well as her and my father's pride." "Your parents must love you lots" Five said gently "Maybe...My Mom tries...but It's been hard. My father's become too busy and my Mother is just trying to keep everyone happy I guess...They work so hard and I can't really help them.." Fundy admitted. Five put an arm around him "Don't worry too much okay? I think you'll do just fine Fundy" Fundy smiled "Your such an optimist Five" He muttered "No, I just say things as I perceive them. That's all..." Five gave him a squeeze before his arm was removed from the fox's shoulders. "It's getting late..." Fundy looked up, the sun was indeed starting to set. "Okay...See you tomorrow then?" He asked as he stood. Five began to collect his things "Of course..see you Fundy" They parted ways, each with a light heart and a skip in their step, excited to see their friend the next day. 

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