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"What happened?" Whispered Five, hoping Fundy wouldn't lash out or break down. "My mom...I think...she's sick" Fundy said gently pulling away from the boy in front of him. He couldn't believe that his first thought when things had gone bad was to run and find Five. What did that mean? He didn't want to think about it. He moved to sit on a pillow and Five followed. "Sick? That's not too bad..." "No..No um...she's really sick, not like..a cold" Fundy didn't even know it himself, what had gotten a hold of his mother? "The doctors..won't say what it is but she's been sick for a while now.." Fundy lowered his had. How had he not seen that she was getting worse with each passing day? How had he missed this? because, he told himself, you were too worried about leaving the house...getting away so you could go out with friends. Five to be exact. He felt as if he had been selfish for the past year, and the guilt gnawed at him tirelessly. 


Five had no idea how to deal with this, but somehow he said the right things. Fundy had stopped crying, and he had a small bit of hope that his mother might be okay thanks to his fathers call later in the day. Fundy would be home alone for at least a week, so Five offered to stay with him. "That would be great" Fundy said a bit dull, he was tired and empty from all those tears. His voice raw. "okay...well you'll have to show me the way because I have no idea where you live..." Five said awkwardly, Fundy let out a small laugh and held out his hand, which five took eagerly for reasons he instantly denied himself. Fundy smiled "Just be careful, cos we're gonna go fast" he informed the brunette, who barely had time to pull on his mask before Fundy ran. He was faster than the average fox, due to him being a hybrid human/fox type. Five bit back a yelp as his arm slammed into something but it went, thankfully, unnoticed by Fundy. 


"Fundy..." The fox boy froze as he stared at his steps. There stood a man he didn't want to see, Dream. The blonde smiled as he approached Fundy and pulled him into a tight hug. He longed to just relax into the hug, to hold Dream, but Dream had left him. Dream had cheated. "Uh...Dream" he said gently pushing the blonde away and moving beside Five, who gave Fundy a confused look. Bundy's ears perked as he moved his hand to grab Fives, entertwining their fingers together. Five didn't move away, and tried to hide his confusion behind a smile. "Hey there..." Dream said, he eyed Five up and down, and Fundy shifted "um..Dream I'm...kinda in the middle of something but thanks...for uh dropping by" he moved foreword, Dream blocked. "I'm sorry about your mom...she was really nice." Fundy froze and Dream paled,realizing his mistake "I didn't mean it like that I'm sure she's okay-" Fundy clenched his teeth "was....my mom IS a nice woman...she isn't Dead" he hissed. Rove's hand squeezed Cindy's as Five stepped in front of him. "I think you should leave...Dream" he said sternly. Dream made a face "Fundy, maybe we could go out some time... Y'know rebuild what we had...I know I messed up-" "you left me. You left me at the ALTER. On our WEDDING day...you left me for George" "I know but I didn't mean to I was confused and-" "no...no I've moved on" Fund lied, Five caught on and snaked his arm around the boy's waist protectvly. Dream frowned "With him? I've never seen him before. He's not even from here" Five smirked "you don't have to believe him, that's your choice, but I suggest you let us pass" Fundy couldn't help the small smile that fell on his lips. He loved when Five got sassy, because he was always a kind guy and preferred to make friends not enemy's. 


Once Dream left, Rove's hand moved from the Fox's waist and he apologized quickly "I know that was uncalled for but I wanted to help and-" Fundy giggled "its done, thank you I know O kinda put you on the spot there..." The friends laughed as Fundy once again grabbed Five's hand and led him inside. Five's hear sped up and heat rose to his cheeks, he knew this feeling well...though it was his first time feeling that way. His mother had explained it as best as she could. "You okay? You look kinda sick..." Fundy asked reaching to feel Five's forehead, Five dodged his hand "Fine! I'm fine haha...just hot I guess" he pulled at his scarf awkwardly "okay...?" Fundy brushed off the worry, he had his own problems... Like why his heart had beat so fast when Five's arm had wrapped around his waist.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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