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Wilbur came home in the middle of Dinner, and Fundy watched as he shook off his shoes and smiled at his wife and son. "Hello family, sorry I'm late..." He apologized. Sally smiled and stood to greet him with a kiss "It's alright darling, your plate has been set" She informed him affectionately. Most of Fundy's friends envied his parents, mostly because his mother was beautiful and his father was handsome and they had been childhood sweethearts. Their love had never faltered unlike other children's parents. Most parents divorced by the time the kids had turned thirteen. Fundy's parent weren't like them, they were affectionate and with each passing day their love seemed to grow. Fundy loved that about them. Sally and Wilbur returned to the table, Wilbur's plate was set before him by Fundy, who earned a smile. "so, How are you fundy?" Asked Wilbur "I'm doing good" Fundy responded "No pain this week?" "No...not really actually. it's been pretty good" Fundy couldn't help but smile, Wilbur may be busy most of the time...and he may love his nation more than his son, but he tried best as he could and that is what mattered to Fundy.


"Going to bed already?" Wilbur asked as Fundy headed for the stairs "Yeah...do you want me to stay?" Fundy hoped he would say yes, hoped he would insist for Fundy to speak to him, catch him up on his life, but wilbur just nodded "Okay son, goodnight..." Fundy's heart dropped and he nodded "Right...Night Mom...Dad" He headed up the stairs and sighed, pulling off his shirt and throwing it to the side. He had grown used to sleeping without a shirt, now that he didn't have to strap down anything. He was glad to have gotten the surgeries he needed to make him feel like himself, and he was thankful his parents had been so supportive and casual about it. They had always known somehow. Fundy stepped in front of his mirror and admired his body, sure he still had those curves like that of a females, but the rest of him was pure male. His smile widened and he hugged himself for a moment. This is what happiness felt like, sure it would fade soon..but no matter how short this happiness was he intended to enjoy it. it wasn't everyday he would look into the mirror and not feel disgust or worry. He silently turned off the lights and crawled into bed, curling under the blankets as he closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. In his Dream...he could see Five smiling, and later Sally would walk in to see a small gentle smile on her son's face.


"How do you feel honey?" Sally asked as she made her way to the sink "well...It was a rough day love, Tommy's just as obnoxious as expected..." Wilbur responded drinking the glass of Wine his wife provided him with. She giggled "He always was as a child wasn't he?" Wilbur admired her from afar. Her beautiful orange curls tied back into a messy bun, her slim figure fitting perfectly into the beige sweater she wore, the jeans she wore fitting her waist perfectly as well. She turned and he admired her face. Beautiful green eyes, millions of freckles dotting her tired face, small strands of hair falling to her lashes. "Wilbur soot! If I didn't know much better I'd say you are checking me out" She teased as she walked over so he could hold her "Your very beautiful, my love...and you have gifted me with a wonderful son" Wilbur praised. Sally smiled as her head rested on his chest "Your too kind, Wil darling, don't forget our son takes after the both of us...and he has turned out much better" "He takes after you the most...kind and sharp witted yet very stubborn" At that Sally giggled and gently pushed at her husband's arm. "How do you feel today?" Wilbur asked as he took her hands and kissed them, they were cold. "I feel fine...The doctor says I have at least two years...maybe longer if all goes well" Sally whispered "...That's wonderful" Wilbur smiled at her and she kissed him "Well, it's clear the both of us are tired, I can do these tomorrow with the breakfast dishes then." She took his hand and they headed to bed, eager to get sleep. The Nation remained quiet, The only sound was the crickets and night animals that seemed to soothe everyone to sleep. 

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