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"...Where did your name come from?" Five asked suddenly. It was a lazy sunday and both boy's had grown extremely board in the summer heat that was slowly rolling in. Fundy's heart quickened, this boy wouldn't know...he couldn't find out. "Uh...what do you mean?" Fundy mentally slapped himself for how stupid he sounded "Well it's a cool name...how'd your parents come up with it?" Five responded glancing at Fundy "Uh...well They didn't really name me-" Fundy blurted "What?" Five looked surprised "really?" "Yeah...I chose it..." Fundy didn't understand why the lies he thought up wouldn't come through his mouth, just those stupid truths that he wanted to lock away forever. Why couldn't he just let Five think he had been a male his whole life...physical wise? "Really?" Five smiled "Cool" Fundy's mouth dropped open in shock, no 'how come?' or 'why?' s? 


"Okay ever since I asked about your name you've been really quiet Fundy, is something wrong?" Five asked worried he had upset his friend in some way "No...well...I don't know" Fundy answered "Talk to me, I'll listen" Five offered, scooting closer to fundy "I...I don't know...how to say it because well...I don't want you to stop being my friend" Fundy wanted to cry. How many people had left him for this very reason? he was used to people walking out, but he had hoped Five was different...and he hated that he cared so much. "Fundy, no matter what it is I won't stop being your friend, promise" Five assured the fox boy. Fundy took a deep breath and looked away, he had been telling people his whole life...telling Five couldn't be that difficult. "When I was born...My family named me Floria" Fundy began. Five urged him on gently "And...And My mom was told she had a..daughter" Fundy flinched when Five looked away "And..she did have a daughter...biologically I guess. I..I came out when I was thirteen and finished surgeries when I was sixteen..." They both went silent. Five pulled at the grass below his feet "Okay" He said simply "Are you hungry? I brought extras in case-" "What?" Fundy startled "Is that...it? Your not gonna freak out?" "No...I don't care. To me your a guy if that's what you identify as...there's no other way for me to see it really" Five shrugged. Fundy smiled as he began to cry, how had he gotten so lucky? "Oh-! Don't cry!" Five wrapped his arms around the fox-boy tight and his heart skipped a beat, he didn't know why...but he didn't want to press it. "it's okay Fundy...It's okay" 


//Tw:Sickness, throwing up, blood, panic attack//

Sally was getting sicker, she knew that and it worried her. She had told her husband she was probably going to get better if she didn't have a bad week...yet here she was doubled over the toilet practically spilling her guts. This is why she didn't hear her son enter the house. This is why she didn't spring up to unlock the door, flush the mixed blood and vomit down the toilet, this is why she didn't realize how bad she had messed up. "Mom?" Fundy had called, three times, but she hadn't heard him. Then he rushed to the bathroom once he heard the noise "Mom?!" He called, she couldn't respond even if she wanted to...she was once again throwing up. Fundy slammed into the door, listening as it cracked before swinging open after a few tries. His mother glanced up through lidded eyes as she coughed "Mom!" Fundy ran to her and pulled back her hair, trying not to gag. "Fundy?" His mother looked dazed "Mom?! are you okay?" Fundy mentally slapped himself, of course she wasn't okay! He reached for her compass "Fundy what are you doing-"  "Sending a location to dad!" Fundy cried as he furiously tapped at the screen, his mother slumped into his shoulder and closed her eyes tiredly. The compass began to beep, and Fundy started to speak "Mom needs help I-I don't know what's wrong!" He tapped the screen and the compass began to glow before returning to its spot, dorment. "Just hold on mom...dad's gonna be here soon" That is the only thing fundy knew, his father had to be running through the streets of L'manburg, racing desperately against time to help his sick wife. That is what Fundy told her, and himself, just before he held her to him and cried as silently as he could. It had been such a good day why now? His breath quickened when he couldn't hear her labored breathing anymore, and he moved her onto her back "Mom?!" nothing. He listened close, a small wisp of air left her lips and his chest began to heave. He thought he had lost her, and for a moment he couldn't even bear the thought. What would he do without Sally? His beautiful mom...the only woman holding their family together. He began to shake and rapidly took sharp breaths. His hands reached to press into the cool tile, in a small attempt to calm himself. The door burst open and Wilbur rushed down the hall and into the bathroom. He found Sally on the floor, asleep but hardly breathing, and Fundy hyperventilating in the corner, pulling his ears to block out the noises around him. "Sal!" Wilbur cried as he ran to pick up his wife. He tried to speak to Fundy but Fundy couldn't hear him, his hearing had gone all weird and everyone sounded far away. he needed to be in his happy place, but he wouldn't be able to make it there in time would he? Would Five even be there? He had to try. he stood up, shouted where he was going, and ran. He ran long and hard, allowing broken sobs to press through his lips and overwhelm him, and when he got there he wasted no time the second he saw Five he threw his arms around him and cried. Really cried. and Five? He hugged him tight, rubbing his back and whispering to him. "Deep breaths...count one, two, three-" Once he got to ten he ran his thin fingers in the fox boy's fluffy hair "What can you hear? What can you see? What can you touch?" He asked, recited more or less. " Birds...Birds and your..heartbeat I...I can't see my eyes are..closed and...and your shirt. I can feel your shirt I...I'm" Fundy cried harder, though his body unknowingly relaxed after listing the small things. Five had managed to sit down on the ground, holding the crying boy to his chest. Fundy listened intently to Five's heartbeat, it was calming, so he tried to match it with his own. Later FIve would tell Fundy he had had a strange feeling that he just really needed to go to their spot, that he had to be there and Fundy arrived just as he did. he didn't know why, but he didn't question it and they both brushed it off. Neither wanted to face what the meaning of that feeling meant. Fundy knew for sure though, that Five somehow had a strange connection to him...and he believed Five would always know when Fundy needed him most, and the thought...it scared him to the very core.

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