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"You made it!" Five smiled as Fundy approached "Yeah, My mom wanted me to eat with her today" Fundy said as he took his seat beside Five. The brunette handed Fundy a bottle and a basket "That's for lunch" He explained. Fundy hated to admit how awkward their conversations where in the beginning. They usually remained silent until wither Fundy or Five spoke up about a current event or something they had thought about, then it just went from there. They'd debate, argue, joke, and just plain talk...and Fundy enjoyed it. He loved those hours he would spend with a man he had started to see as his best friend. How strange...they had hardly known each other for a week yet they felt they had been childhood friends. What a beautiful kind of friendship.


"...So where are you from?" Fundy asked "Uh...I'm not sure actually. I just..Y'know go anywhere and everywhere. We always move but..my mom got tired of it and we settled around here." Five shrugged. Fundy smiled "That's cool...I've only ever been here in L'manburg." He looked at the sky, his mother had told him he could be out late as long as he stayed safe and he had an idea. "Let's stay out here...Until dawn" He blurted "I wanna see the stars..and the sunset." Five glanced at him before shrugging "Okay.." He smiled "Don't you have to ask your parents?" Fundy asked "Not really...They don't mind" and they left it at that. "When I was a kid my mom always told me about how she met my dad but it seemed so cliche y'know? She claimed it was love at first sight" Fundy said as he rested on his back. Five giggled and shook his head "What?" Fundy hissed, biting back his own laugh "You don't believe in love at first sight? Jeez Fundy way to crush a man's dream-" Five could hardly hold it together long enough to finish the sentence, and once he burst out laughing so did Fundy. "Don't worry Fundy, I don't believe in it either." Five assured the fox. "Yeah yeah if you say so" Fundy teased. He stood up and headed for a nearby tree "Where are you going?" Asked Five "Imma climb the tree obviously" "Jeez you sound like a twelve year old" Five hissed "I am very tall for twelve aren't I?" Fundy responded instantly. Five thought for a moment "Are you actually twelve?" he asked "No idiot! I'm eighteen" Fundy laughed "Oh...huh" Five nodded "What?" Fundy hissed "Well..i'm twenty" "A twenty year old who acts like a child himself should not judge an eighteen year old" Fundy shot out with fake annoyance before he began to laugh. Five rolled his eyes "Hush up" He hissed hiding his smile. 


"I like them...the stars." Fundy mumbled as he lay on his back staring at them. Five was beside him, staring at the stars as well though he didn't seem as entranced as Fundy was. "What do you like about them?" He asked "I like that they never end" Fundy responded "That there are always going to be stars...no matter what and even if I were immortal I don't think I could ever tire of looking at them" Fundy smiled "Cus they're so pretty" He added. Five giggled "I guess you're right...I think if I could I'd take a handful and put them in a jar" Fundy nodded "That would be amazing wouldn't it?" They shared a small breathy laugh before Fundy's eyes began to droop. "Fundy?..are you-" Five hesitated, was Fundy actually asleep? He moved to look at him and silently laughed, moving to grab blankets and pillows. "I guess this has become a..sleepover" He mumbled as he lifted the sleeping fox's head and placed the pillow under it, then covered them both in a blanket. He laid down and glanced at the stars again. Fundy was right, they did have a strange kind of beauty that filled him with a light feeling. What was the saying? Looking at the stars, in the midst of the night, one always feels on top of the world...or just below it. At this moment he felt on top of the world. He could hear soft snores coming from Fundy and he held back a laugh that taunted his lips. He couldn't wake him up. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes allowing himself to finally sleep. 


"Fundy!" Sally threw her arms around her son as he stepped through the door. "Mom-" Fundy couldn't speak because Wilbur was joining the suffocating hug "Where were you?" He asked worriedly "I fell asleep I'm sorry" Fundy apologized "Where? With Who?" Sally asked "Luka and...at his house" Fundy felt that familiar dread he always felt when lying to his parents, but he forced his face to remain calm. Why was he lying about Five in the first place? What exactly was he trying to hide? "...You worried us son" Wilbur spoke "I know I'm sorry, I raced home as soon as I got up" That was true, he had awoken to a sleeping Five, and quickly realized it was early morning. He had gotten up and left a note for his friend explaining why he had gone so quickly with a promise to meet up with him later. "...Well I'm glad your okay" Sally breathed hugging her son again. Fundy gave her a small squeeze, trying to ignore just how skinny she had gotten overnight. He feared if he hugged her too tight she would shatter like glass. "I'm okay mom...I'm sorry I worried you guys I promise it won't happen again" He assured his parents. Wilbur and Sally both nodded as they stared at their son in relief. Fundy smiled before moving past them to go to his room. "Breakfast-" Sally started "I ate..." Fundy replied running up to his room. He was still somewhat tired, so he laid on his bed and once again fell asleep.

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