Those Unintended Victims

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The first hint that Izuku had that something wasn't right was when he got home after school and Kurogiri wasn't there. He didn't think anything of it though since it had happened before. Instead he went to the fridge and got himself a glass of milk and with Kurogiri not around to cut some fruit, he sneaked a cookie. Generously he took one to Tomura who was playing some sort of game on the console.

Izuku then went to his room and did his homework, as per normal.

It wasn't until he got hungry that he realised that he hadn't heard Kurogiri return. He hadn't heard anyone actually and he left his room and went to find Tomura. The older boy was still playing his game. Izuku didn't want to interrupt him but he knew what a save point looked like and so he waited until Tomura reached one.

"What do you want?" The other boy demanded.

"Do you know where Kurogiri is?" Izuku asked. Usually the misty man would be back by now and would get them both dinner. After dinner, Izuku went to see his dad.

The question seemed to surprise Tomura and Izuku saw him actually think about it. "He went out earlier," came the reply.

"Did he say when he'd be back?"

"No," the older boy told him.

Izuku nodded and went back to his room to collect one of his notebooks before he moved back to the kitchen. There was a small TV in there. He could watch for Hero fights and add them to his notebook.

The television didn't show much. They kept referring to a battle that had been in Mie but never showed anything. Then they went to news from Tokyo and Kyoto and Osaka and nothing more. It was kind of frustrating just sitting there, wanting to write notes but not being able to do so because the television wasn't giving him anything. He could go and get his tablet but he'd already watched everything he wanted to and the Ewe-Tube channels that he watched didn't update today. Izuku sighed. Kurogiri would be back soon enough. He'd probably just been delayed.

Except he didn't come and eventually Tomura came into the kitchen.

The green haired boy looked up at him. "He's not here," Izuku said unnecessarily.

"I'm hungry," Tomura told him.

"Me too," Izuku agreed.

They sat in silence for a while. "We could make something..?" Izuku suggested as a question.

"I already checked the fridge. There's nothing in there."

Izuku couldn't really say anything to that. When he'd gotten the milk earlier he hadn't seen any leftovers in there. Kurogiri usually packed them in his bento. If there was still food left over, then Tomura would also get a bento and Kurogiri had to eat too. There were ingredients but Izuku didn't know how to make anything.

"I can't cook!" Tomura objected.

"Oh," Izuku said.

They lapsed into silence again. It was surprising that Tomura didn't just return to his game. The teen must be really hungry. Izuku looked around the kitchen. The kettle was on the bench. He wasn't allowed to touch it but Tomura could.

"Can you boil the kettle?" Izuku asked.

"Of course!" The white haired teen told him. "But hot water isn't exactly what I had in mind," he grumbled.

"We can make cup noodles," Izuku told him.

"There's cup noodles?" They weren't the type of food Kurogiri kept around.

"I can get some from the VII XI down the road," Izuku told him. He passed that convenience store every day so he knew they sold cup noodles.

Tomura didn't even hesitate. "Get going, small fry," he ordered as he got up to boil the kettle.

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