Problems: Large and Small

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Sir Nighteye's office was reasonably large. Officially, All Might's office was larger, and in practice it was but the Number One Hero's Office was set up to be mostly ceremonial. Sir Nigtheye's office was where the real decisions were made for the agency.

Mirai sighed as he looked at his desk. It was, as usual, neat and tidy but that hid the truth. He did most of the paperwork for the agency. And the darned stuff always spawned when he wasn't there. This time, while it was not physically present, from the notes on his phone, it looked like it had taken inspiration from rabbits. He had memos from every department. Merchandising, Legal, PR, HR... all of them!

There were some physical papers there. They were stacked neatly. They didn't look like much. That was deceiving. Only papers he had to physically sign were printed but they were all attached to reams of electronic documents.

The last time his desk had been this busy was years back, after the Tsu incident. After All For One. Mirai snorted softly. Then he'd had to do field work as well. He could cope with this. And it wasn't like he couldn't see the most important stuff easily. Paperwork, like his phone inbox, was colour coded.

Things he had to deal with now were red. Then the colours faded back to blue and green for those things that required his attention but not necessarily urgently. It was a good system. It wasn't perfect. No paperwork system was perfect. Not even electronic paperwork was perfect but it worked for the agency and that was the most important point.

There was however, a bright red folder on his desk.

That hadn't been there before. Sir Nighteye moved to his desk to look at the folder. There was a sticky note in the middle of the cover. He recognised the scrawled handwriting before he could read it.


Which made the folder all the more important. There was probably a red email telling him about it.

Mirai focused on the note.

You can deal with this one.

While most people would read that and think nothing, Sir Nighteye knew that the file would be difficult. And the slight emphasis on 'you' meant that it was something they should both be handling but Yagi had decided he needed to deal with.

It could require his skills or it could be... No. It wouldn't have anything to do with All For One. Not after this amount of time. When the HPSC had discovered that All For One's lawyers had a back bone, and that even if Hisashi Riji was declared dead, most of his assets were willed to his son, they had quietly had the boy declared missing as well. They were now counting down the years until they could declare the missing Hisashi Riji dead, and then declare his son dead. At that point they would swoop in on the assets, making sure that his wife got enough to keep her mouth shut, while the bulk went to them. It would take a few more years yet but they were patient. Mirai was willing to bet that they had a reminder built into the system so that they could claim the assets instantly, though he did wonder what they would do with some. JBQC had taken a hit in that fight but was still trading as a very powerful company.

Mirai didn't think it would be that simple. In fact he was sure it wouldn't be that simple.

He opened the file. The front letter told him immediately the file was generated from their legal department.

All Might may be the number one hero still but they still needed to have a legal department. It wasn't discussed much but people did like to sue the higher ranked heroes. Even All Might, though Sir Nigtheye knew their department was a fraction of the size of Endeavors. He sat down and pulled the top paper to him. The legal department would have provided a summary.

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