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WARNING: this book will contain mentions of rape, violence, murder, and much more, you have been warned.

Astia groaned as she walked into the cave, she hated the cold. Her Master, Shaak Ti, chuckled; "Astia, I know you hate the cold, as do I, but the Council wants you to get a crystal this way" Shaak stated, "The Council can kiss my-" "Astia!" Shaak yelled and hit her 15 year old Padawan's shoulder as a joke. "They can't spare a crystal?" Astia asked with a groan, causing her fangs to show slightly..

Astia was part human and part togruta.

"Well.. They could but they decided this is best for you"

Astia stomped like a toddler before she shuffled and turned then pouted, "You're like a Loth cat!" The Woman exclaimed with a laugh. Astia groaned and began her walk down the tunnel..

After a good few yards Astia pushed a bit of her short hair behind her ear, she hadn't been here since she was 11.. she wished it stayed that way.. she had always hated the cold, she didn't know if that was her human side or her togruta side.. Shaak claimed it was both but she was also being dramatic.

"I think.. I want to name her Astia"

The grumpy Teenager with her hands in her armpits perked up...

She stomped her foot down, "Come 'on! I don't need to go on a wild goose chase!" Astia whined before running down the hallway in the ice..

She slid to end up to not hit a corner causing the beads from her earring to hit her in her face.

"What's wrong with you?"

Astia sighed before she looked behind her and put her hand on her head... These caves would drive her insane..


"C'mon! What do you want from me?!"

Astia had always been very atune with the force.. She knew Shaak had her suspicions to why but she would never tell..

Astia didn't know if she expected an answer.. But she felt like the force was laughing at her.
Astia looked around before running the other  way and soon realized she was lost, that was just fantastic.

"Who are you?!" A voice yelled and Astia turned to see a mist, shapes, obviously Jedi but the faced were blurred, male and female, Master and Padawan? It was a possibility.

Astia turned feeling eyes on her, she heard yelling; it was so full of pain, then there was a cry of a baby and heavy breathing of a woman.


Astia turned back around and saw Shaak hanging over a woman with a baby in her arms,


The voice said again, Astia put her hands over her ears

"Perfect D-"

The mist faded and Astia's face churned with annoyance, "You couldn't let her finish the damned sentence?" Astia huffed quietly crossing her arms, her mind scanned over all the tests of being a Jedi and she couldn't think of one that fit this one. But she was more mad that Shaak had lied to her, who was else knew she wasn't an orphan found on the street?

Astia closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"I just want my crystal?!"

"Who are you, Astia?"

"Who am I? I'm.. Jedi Master Shaak Ti's Padawan, I'm a Jedi, I.." Astia sighed before throwing her arms up and they fell back and hit her legs.

"Find.. Your.. Past.."

The Story Of Astia DalaWhere stories live. Discover now