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Anakin had never been one to be curious about Ahsoka's friends, but Astia was.. odd? No.. Well? She was odd.

First her looks, She obviously wasn't just human; Ahsoka had whispered to him that she was part Togruta but it just came off as weird to him.. It was kind of obvious that she was Master Ti's Padawan, She didn't ask about battles and was fairly calm other than her being excited but that was normal.. Or maybe is wasn't, Anakin didn't care though.

"So Padawan Astia, How many battles have you been in?"

Astia looked up at him as She and Ahsoka were whispering. "Uh.. None, Master Skywalker" Astia answered causing Anakin to look confused. "Why not? You stay on Kamino, right? Im surprised your not out on missions" Anakin admitted.

"Her Master is kinda over protective" Ahsoka stated using her thumb and index to do a pintched motion, "Oh.. I never thought of her as such. Maybe, if your Master agrees I could get you on one of are missions" Anakin Muttered rather to himself, "Really?!" The two Teenagers chimed, "I need to see you practice first, I can't go to Master Ti just.. willy nilly" Anakin Stated putting his hands up.


Astia had held up well against Anakin until she left her right leg open and He tripped her.

Now he had his practice lightsaber to her neck, "Good Job, Astia. No offense but I didn't think you would last so long" Anakin admitted as he noticed Astia looked defeated and was slightly out of breath.

"Thank you, Master Skywalker" Astia huffed. Anakin put his arm down and Astia grabbed it and stood up. "Anakin, I can't believe you destoryed another ship-" "Obi-wan, We have a guest" Anakin said with a laugh, the 'ship' hadn't fazed him.

"Oh I'm sorry for that one.. I'm sorry Padawan Dala. I see you're training with Anakin, I hope he hasn't hurt you" Obi-wan said then out his hand on the side of his mouth facing Anakin, "He cheats" Obi-wan joked with a smirk causing Astia to chuckle, Anakin looked confused and Ahsoka was just watching the group.

"Hey Master, Do you think I- We! could invite Astia to one of are missions?"

Obi-wan looked at Anakin before thinking, "Maybe.. She's capable, I believe that but.. Master Ti doesnt exactly.. How do I say this-"

"She doesn't let me without of her reach or she has a heart attack?"

Obi-wan's eyes slightly widened before simply shrugging, "I-I guess you could put it.. that way.. She's.. overprotective" Obi-wan carefully said crossing his arms.

"Maybe Me and You could convince her later today-

"Not today.. She isn't exactly in the best mood now" Obi-wan mumbled, Astia heard it.. Obi-wan wanted her to hear it, but the comment made Anakin look surprised and he tried to say something but it was responded with Obi-wan giving him a look.

"Ahsoka, you should say your goodbyes. I must take Padawan Astia to her quarters, it's getting late"

Ahsoka and Astia groaned and The two shuffled to meet in the middle of them and hugged, "I'll see you tomorrow!" Astia Exclaimed before her and Master Kenobi walked out.


"What if I want to keep her?"

"Then keep her.. I support you every step of the way"

"As will I".

Astia opened her eyes and found herself on the couch.. where she had fell asleep watching TV..

She remembered originally Shaak was here next to her when she fell asleep but she can only assumed that she had left..

Astia grabbed her now throbbing head.. Maybe she was off.. maybe it wasn't her Mother who was a Chalactan and her father the togruta... And maybe the woman wasn't raped.. it was the first thing that came to her head as Jedi didn't usually have intercourse.

The Story Of Astia DalaWhere stories live. Discover now