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Astia smiled as she saw a big smile on Shaak Ti's face. The two of them never visited the Temple often but when they did Shaak had a whole new.. vibe? That had to be the word. But everything would change. Shaak seemed, softer? Just maybe it was being home after being gone so long.

They usually visited the Temple every couple of months, so maybe.. four times a year (which had only been one year for them both) sometimes more if it's important, like the meetings but those were uncommon.

"Astia, I'm going to my quarters for a few minutes, if you would like you can drive around some.. Don't get us killed and don't so anything stupid!" Shaak stated standing up, her voice ending sternly as she stood up but soon chuckled quietly as she faced away from her Padawan. "Hey! I'm not that bad!" Astia called to the Jedi Master.

Who layed her hand on the button to open the door, "Well, I'll believe it when I see it".

Shaak smiled as she heard Astia mutter something but didn't care to ask, she walked to her quarters and sat on her bed before pulling out one of the two lightsabers in her drawer.

Both belonged to her old Padawan's who have now passed. She looked at the one that belonged to Fe Sun, Her padawan before Astia. It had many little silver trinkets on it and Fe's initials carved into it. Fe was killed not long after her being knighted.. Just like her first Padawan who's name she didn't even want to think of..

The Woman sighed, She felt as if she were getting to old for Padawan's.. But a Jedi was never to old for that.

Shaak shook her head, she was greatful for Astia, she's known her since she was born...but sometimes Astia was a handful, but Shaak never blamed her for that. Astia was a fifteen year old now growing up on a gloomy planet during the Clone Wars and Shaak hated that; Shaak always trained her Padawan's on Shili, but then again she always chose her Padawan's.

What Shaak meant by that was, She didn't want another Padawan; One day Shaak was informed she was to get one and that she had no choice in it. She adored Astia now and wouldn't trade her for the world, but She believed and still does she has bad luck with Padawan's, Hell both of hers died violently not long after their knighting..

The Woman remembered why she walked in here.. To grab the lightsabers so The Council could test Astia.

Shaak had found Astia had 'Psychometry' or commonly known as 'Force Echo'; when the Council first heard this it sounded unbelievable as not even a handful of Jedi had this special power, but over time and many comments they decided to test Astia on it, and today would be that day.

It's ironic actually. Astia found Shaak's first Padawan's lightsaber and that is exactly how Shaak knew.. She remembered that day..

Astia hadn't been on Kamino long at this point, maybe two weeks and Shaak hadn't learned to place her belongings up.

Astia found a lightsaber on the dining table after coming back from watching Clones train, Shaak let her out early..

Shaak yet hadn't learned to put up her stuff but Astia hadn't learned to mind her business and not touch stuff that wasn't hers. But she claimed some items messed her eyes up in the slightest.

Shaak remembered Astia describing in fuzzy detail of her Padawan's Death.. Scared Astia to death as she didn't know what happened and Shaak had her.. And that was the first time the two of them actually bonded..


Astia and Shaak walked out and bowed to Masters Mace Windu and Plo Koon.

"Master Ti, Padawan Dala, Wonderful to see you both again" Master Koon said and stood up straight, "It is" Master Windu stated.

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