Sweet and Sour! (Tsundere Romance)

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I sat on the bench alone during our break outside from band. Others are resting their lips from playing their instruments, but I just need to rest my arms because I'm one of three percussionists. The other two are chasing each other relentlessly through the grassy area. I pushed a section of my hair behind my ear before seeing a boy approach my direction. There was the antagonist to my peace, with his black hair and amber eyes that lightly seemed yellow.  Aiden had a formal look with a buttoned shirt and tie, however his personality wasn't so. He was more like a war head candy than anything else. He seems extremely sour on the outside, but once you get out of that phase he is really sweet and caring. At least I think so, anyway. I'm almost out the sour phase, but I'm definitely not in the sweet zone yet. 

The male flute player sat next to me, although I was sitting on the edge of the bench. I corrected my sitting position to be facing him. "Hello Aiden," I greeted him with a light smile. He can be an annoyance, but he is my friend. I might as well act kind before the storm hits. "Um hello, Jayla.. I actually wanted to ask..." he trailed off in the middle of his sentence. "Yeees?" I exaggerated my word and tilted my head. He seemed a bit annoyed now and lightly shouted, "Stop being so cute!" At his words I saw a light blush form on his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile. This seemed like a scene of an anime or manga with a tsundere. Wait, does that make me the love interest protagonist? Uh....... okay then, I don't know how to handle that information. 

"Well... don't make this a big deal, but I..." he struggles to speak. "Yes?" I asked again, less exaggerated. "Will you go on a date with me with your stupidly adorable face!" He lightly shouted. A blush formed on my face. Had I broken through the sour layer without breaking through the sour layer? I admit, we had know each other since fourth grade, but I never thought of him in that way, truly. Maybe... maybe I actually do? "W-what's your answer..?" he asked in a gentler tone from me spacing out. "Oh! S-sorry, I got lost in thought.." I lightly laughed awkwardly. "W...... what's the... a-answer?" He asked in a near mumble at this point. "I.. honestly can't tell how I feel right now, I might get back to you?" I replied awkwardly. I saw tears form in his eyes. His strong front seemed to be completely lost at this point. He got up and seemed to walk away, but he picked up pace and ended up in a sprint.

+-Aiden's POV-+

"I.. honestly can't tell how I feel right now, I might get back to you?" Jayla responded awkwardly.  That sounds like the softest way to say a no. That feels like the hardest way to say no. I gave up on acting strong at this point. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I got up and walked away, but it turned into a sprint quickly. My light tears turned into a sob and I didn't know where I was heading, but I don't  care. I ended up at some of the doors to our school. I went in and slowed as to not get in trouble but speed walked through the halls to the closest bathroom. I will head to my next class once the bell rings but I can't go back now. It was almost the end of class anyway. I just sobbed in a stall.

+-Jayla/beginning POV-+

The band teacher brought us back inside, and I reluctantly went inside. "Where's Aiden?" She asked. "I don't know, but I can look for him," I rose my hand as I replied. She allowed me and I grabbed my stuff and went quickly into the hall. I figured he would be in a bathroom. I don't know how I would get in the stalls, but it's all for Aiden. I wouldn't mind as long as nobody else is in there and.. anyways it's for Aiden... Do I have feelings for him? My heart pounded in my chest, signaling I did. Is this what I wanted all along? I.. I think it might have been. I heard light sobs coming from the boys' bathroom, so I walked in.

 I don't care about the consequences. I just care about Aiden.

"Aiden?" I called out. The sobs stopped for a second. "Uhm.... I'm s-sorry for making you upset, Aiden," The stall unlocked and out came the black haired boy I've always loved. I hugged him immediately. "I-I'm sorry that I.. ran off.." I just hugged him tighter. "The answer is yes." "W-wait.. really?" He asked. "Completely and truly, and yes I will bring my stupidly cute face," I answered. "Then let's go back to band," Aiden said as he let go more calm and honestly happier. Suddenly, the bell rang. I laughed, and we walked to science class. 

I think this is the second beginning of something nice.

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