More Family part Two

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While everyone else was talking and catching up, (Y/N) had noticed the two sad reptiles, and crawled down Mikey's back twards them. They were talking amongst themselves, trying not to grab too much attention before Leatherhead felt something grabbing his tail. "Mikey, what is- oh. Hello little one," he said nervously as he spotted the little mouse hugging his tail. "Uhm. What do we do," Slash asked as she continued to talk gibberish to him. Leatherhead shook his head nervously, "how am I supposed to know? We've never seen any kind of children before." He said, low-key freaking out as she started climbing up his back. "MIKEY! YOU WERE THE ONE HOLDING HER WHERE IS SHE," Leo shouted causing everyone to panic. At this point (Y/N) had managed to crawl up ontop of Leatherhead's head, wrapping her tail around his snout as she sat down on her newfound perch. "Uh, she's over here and she won't let go of Leatherhead," Slash said as he was trying figure out how to get her off.

(Y/N) just clapped her hands in a giggly fit as Leatherhead reluctantly carried her back to the group on his face. "Come on (Y/N) Leatherhead doesn't like that," Leo said nervously trying to pick her up only for her to scream like a banshee until he let her go again. Only for her lay down on Leatherhead's snout and to wrap her whole body around it in a hug. "It seems she quite fond of you two. You were distancing yourselves from the party. I believe she might have sensed your uneasiness," Master Splinter hummed, amused by the pair's predicament. Raph snorted, "really? Like as if a five year old who literally knows nothing could sense anything." He said before getting hit in the head by his Master. April laughed at him, "actually Master Splinter's right. Children are actually much more aware and perspective than some adults. It's the reason why they or in our case she adapted to us so quickly. It's also one of the reasons why some kids make a habit of copying everything we do. They're watching and learning. When they say "monkey see, monkey do" they're talking about kids. And in our case (Y/N) and Mikey." She said teasing the youngest brother.

Leatherhead and Slash were still uneasy with they're situation. "We mentioned earlier she's pretty smart. This is probably her way of saying she's not scared of you," Leo suggested as (Y/N) continued to crawl onto the top of Leatherhead's head again before bending down and kissing him between his eyes still giggling as she continued to hug him. Leatherhead was still unsure but tried his luck at getting her down. "Come on little one, my head is to high to play on," he said nervously as he tried picking her up himself. To his surprise she didn't throw a fuss, she just laughed and clapped as Leatherhead laid her down in his arms. His friends smiled at him and his new found niece. "See? She knew what she was doing the whole time," April said with a smile on her face. With Leatherhead done, it was Slashes turn as she continued to crawl off Leatherhead and latch onto his leg.

"Uhh. Hi," he said, making her laugh again. This time she decided to crawl up his side and and into his shell, causing everyone to find out that he was ticklish. "N-no! Hah! Ha, ha, ha! Sh-she's i-in my shell! N-no! Get out! That- that tickles! S-stop," he crackled, surprising everyone as he fell to his knees laughing. This continued for a few more seconds before everyone else started laughing before Slash retracted his head into his shell to grab her. "Wh-why you little-" he laughed as he went in his shell, grabbing her by the back of her shirt with his mouth. He smiled evilly as he opened his mouth dropping her into his arms before tickling her back. "How's that! Huh! Revenge on the little tricky mouse," he said tickling her, causing her to fall over backwards hanging from her tail again as she caught her breath. "Yeah, that's what you get for crawling in my shell," he said smugly as she hung from his arm. Raph was just impressed, "how did you do that bud? Retracting your head and pulling her out with your mouth? I don't think we could do that, our jaws aren't strong enough." He asked his best friend as he took (Y/N) in his arms. Slash chuckled, "never told ya I was actually part Alligator Snapping Tortoise did I? That's why my shell is spikey and my mouth is technically a beak." He said.

"Well, we've got (Y/N) again. So I think we should check out how Donnie and the Doctor are doing with putting the furniture together," Leo suggested as (Y/N) was passed from Raph to Mono Gecko. "Sup lil lady. Wanna go for a ride," he asked. He felt a chill up his back as everyone starred at him stearnly. "Whoa! Chill out dudes! I wasn't gonna let her try my scare board! She'd completely trash it. I ment this," he said, showing everyone the red Wagon he brought. "I tried seeing my family again, and they were alot calmer this time and promised to keep mutants existence secret. They sent me off again with my old flip phone to keep in touch and my classic red wagon from when I was a kid along with all my other stuff in it. Thought it would be cool. It's got some chipping red paint here and there but otherwise still in pretty awesome shape! I even gotta blanket in there. I remember the metal was uncomfortable to ride on. Whatcha think lil lady," he asked as he put (Y/N) down in it. She seemed to like it as he pulled her around in the wagon before the party moved from the living room to her new bedroom. "So how's it going geniuses," Karai teased as they came in to the mess of parts on the floor of the room.

Most of the baby furniture was done, they were just struggling with the crib and swing. "It's going at an embarrassingly slow rate," Dr. Rockwell grumbled as he levitated some of the pieces for the swing. "What he means is there's alot more complicated parts to a toddler's furniture than we thought," Donnie said sadly as (Y/N) crawled out of the wagon into his lap. "Hey there missy. Are you trying to help," he asked, chuckling as she picked up some pieces. What they weren't expecting was for her to be able to fit those two pieces together, before moving on to the next part pile. "Dr.! Look at this! She just figured out where the pieces of the crib go," he said astounded as he drew in the Dr.'s attention. Dr. Rockwell watched closely as she also threaded the wood through fabric of the swing and and continued to put together the toy crib like a puzzle. "That's it! It's a giant puzzle! We, being a pair of geniuses, have been over analyzing everything entirely. You, come here child," he said levitating her up from the mess and onto his hover craft. "You child, are another genius in the making, good for you! Let us finish Donatello," he said cheerfully as (Y/N) climbed onto his back, looking over his shoulder as they finally finished putting everything together.

In the end, everyone joined in helping finish her room long after the little mouse fell asleep on the Dr. "Well this most certainly was an entertaining evening," Dr. Rockwell chuckled as Master Splinter gently picked her up, careful not to wake her. "It definitely was better than any "baby showers" I've been to. I think we should follow (Y/N)s example and get some sleep. I'll leave first. Come on Mikey your falling over," April said leading the tired youngest turtle away as everyone said their goodnights and goodbyes. "Sleep well (Y/N) Leo whispered as he cracked the door to (Y/N), sleeping soundly in her new room, in her new home, with her new family.

 "Sleep well (Y/N) Leo whispered as he cracked the door to (Y/N), sleeping soundly in her new room, in her new home, with her new family

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