Curses and Surprises

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(Y/N) was smart.

(Y/N) was little.

(Y/N) was cute.

And (Y/N) was troublesome.

And (Y/N) knew all of that already.

(Y/N) watched, listened, and learned quietly and quickly like a good little mouse.

She watched her brothers training. (Y/N) sat with Donnie as he invented, rambling on and on and when she listened long enough, his rambling eventually explained what he had said.

She watched Mikey's hands and his face when he played his video games, she eventually got bored when he had played the same one over and over; recognizing the same scenes, learning that it still had the same ending.

She looked and listened carefully, memorizing words and phrases as Leo practiced his Japanese, chanting and meditation, repeating what he had said/did to herself and piecing the words and movements together.

She watched how Raph punched and kicked the punching bag when he got angry, all while picking up the words he grunted to himself while he made that angry face and how at the end of it he'd be relaxed again.

Words she wasn't supposed to learn.

One day she did it. She cursed, and scared her brothers to near death by father.

(Y/N) decided that today she wanted to be left alone to draw and nap by herself, but everyone else just wouldn't leave her alone!

(Y/N) was being babysat by Alopex, napping as she held onto her tail. She was napping peacefully in the Fox's fur before she was rudely woken up by said Fox Mutant, but it was for lunch so she wasn't to upset. "Can I nap again after food," she asked as she nibbled on her cheese and crackers. Alopex looked at her surprised. "Is that all you wanted today? I'm sorry I woke you," the fox apologized as she cleaned up the kitchen. (Y/N) corrected herself, "nuh uh! I'd eat any-ting! I just wanna sleep and draw all day. Some re- relax- tion." (Y/N) smiled at using such a big word. Alopex nodded in understanding, "you wanna have a Lazy day just for you right? That's a good thing. Taking time to stop and recharge is good for ones spiritual and mental health." With that (Y/N) was snuggled up in a nest of pillows and blankets and cuddling the fox's tail again after snack time.

(Y/N) was still sleeping awhile later; which was when she found out Donnie had made cameras to watch her when they were gone, interrupting her sleep through the hidden speakers. "Hey Alopex, is everything alright? Why is she (Y/N) still sleeping? What happened to play time and exercises," he called her worriedly. Alopex's ears swiveled as she started hunting for the cameras and speakers. "(Y/N) just wants to sleep right now. She said she wanted to relax, how many cameras did you hide," she asked him, neither of them aware that she was already awake. "There's five of them. They're spread out through the lair," Donnie explained as he told Alopex where they were. Only moments later- "Ah! Alopex she snuck away from you! She's- wait (Y/N) Don't," he started before he was disconnected and Alopex could hear (Y/N) through the speakers. "I wanna do what I want and Don Don woke me up! Cameras are creepy! Creepy onii-chan," she shouted before Alopex watched as the mouse ran upside-down on the ceiling, taking down another camera. Alopex texted Donnie what she had done and said.

After a while (Y/N) had broken all of Donnie's cameras and was drawing angrily infront of Alopex and Master Splinter in the Dojo. "Dummy Donnie," she grumbled as she scribbled on the page. Alopex snickered at the nickname whilst Splinter coughed in his throat, hiding his own chuckle. At this point (Y/N) had begun to calm herself down before her brothers came back, with Donnie crying for his inventions. "My Gems! My babies! Why (Y/N), why," he cried mournfully as he picked up the pile of broke parts on the kitchen table. "YOU was the one spying! You wakes me up," she shouted back, running up to Donnie before kicking him in the stomach and flipping him with her tail(she jumped up and kicked him in the stomach and while he was bent over, she wrapped her tail around his neck and pulled him down head first).

At first everyone had frozen in shock at what (Y/N) had just done while Alopex released Donnie from (Y/N)'s tail. "Dummy Donnie," she muttered and she stomped back over to her crayons. "Holly Shell what was that for," Leo asked. Alopex shrugged, "I think that's mainly because of Donnie watching her through the cameras she broke. She was grumpy at me when I woke her up for lunch but not like that. She did say she just wanted relaxation today. Just naps and drawing." The fox finished explaining right as it happened:

"FUCKING SHIT CRAYON," (Y/N) shouted as her black crayon broke in her hands. The brothers froze in place, their green skin turning a  pale white as everyone processed what she had said.

"Who taught her that!""Don't look at me in never swear!""Mikey!""No way I don't even know what she said bro!" The brothers hurriedly argued amongst themselves before they felt a chilled wind graze their necks. "BOYS" the Looming entity of doom called out, making the brothers shake where they stood before Mikey ran. "AHHHH! EVERY TURTLE FOR THEMSELVES! RUN," he shouted, horrified as Master Splinter started his hunt for the foul-mouthed culprit.

After that, (Y/N) began her own Ninja training.

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